Reference disc player...UDP 205 or Marantz?

Hey guys....
I've decided to take the plunge, and get my last reference disc player--at least for a very long time--and I'm looking for opinions on the subject.
I really wanted to get the Marantz SA-14S1, it sounds fantastic for sure, but I started to read all the glowing reviews on the Oppo UDP-205. Is it just hype, or the real thing? Is the Oppo really that rare piece of equipment that punches that far above its price? Who here has listened to the oppo and/or the Marantz? How do they compare? 
Betcha anything he would have no difficulty hearing the improvement in sound quality though.

Following up on my earlier posts and some of the recommendations of a Modwright modded Oppo (or Marantz), I thought I'd chime in with my experience.
When I decided to upgrade from my Oppo BDP-95, I decided to go all out and get the top modded Oppo BDP 105D from Modwright, with all the bells and whistles, upgraded tubes, etc. The reviews were outstanding.
Suffice to say, it was a mistake for me. It sounded poor in comparison to my stock Oppo BDP-95. It sounded bloated and like mush. I tried multiple tubes recommended by Modwright to tune the player, but after a month, I gave up, and sold it as fast as I could, here, on Audiogon. Once I sold it, I ordered a stock BDP-105D and was positively thrilled. It was an improvement over the BDP-95.
Another person on one of the audio forums I frequent had a similar experience to mine, too.
Maybe it just didn't suit my system, but I've never had an experience like that with any component, before. My lesson was that I will never spend good money modifying a component to that extent. I will just purchase a better component in stock form, for a similar combined price.

Interesting. First I have ever heard of this reaction but not questioning your experience.

Holy cow!!! Rnrmf...that is a tragedy!! You just talked me out of ANY possibility that I might use them! Thanks very much for your advice, and sorry about your lousy experience! 

I think I'll just buy a stock player, and be happy with it! 

Actually, it's very similar to modifying a car with aftermarket performance parts. It can ruin the driveability of the stock car, and make it feel completely out of synch with what the manufacturer intended. 
I'm a car guy, and I've done just that...ruined a couple of nice cars with mods that looked good on paper, but in practice were a disaster.

I repeat - it doesn’t even have balanced output. Not being arrogant but just trying to warn you away from something that is absolutely NOT reference grade.

If you are open to other suggestions then check the Stereophile Class A and A+ list!!

Surprise surprise - the Oppo BDP 105D and the Oppo BDP-103 are both in Class A list but Marantz isn’t mentioned. Marantz was American then Japanese and now owned again by American private equity group that before owned Polk and DefTech speakers and have added Denon and Marantz recently - this brand is going Best Buy style. The brand name will be used to mass market.