Rega P25-best upgrade

I'm considering two different directions, one which is not exclusive of the other as it too can be done at a later date. Therefore, I'm wondering which will give me the biggest bang for my bucks and why?
1. Add the 3 Groovetracer upgrades: Subplatter, platter and counterweight; or
2. Add a new Cartridge. Currently running Dynavector 10x5 and considering Dynavector 17D3, Sumiko Blackbird or Clearaudio Virtuoso Wood (with the Dynavector 20XL or XH in the back of my mind).

The reason I might consider using a High output cartridge over a Low output is because I record each album I play to CD so I don't want to have to crank the volume to get the CD up to the gain point of regular CD's. That is, even with the Medium output 10x5 I still need 60 db of gain (and that's the max) and that is perfect for recording. Not sure how a low output cartridge would do as I've never used one. Associated relevant equipment Rega P25, Bel Canto Pre2p and M-Audio 24/96 sound card. Let me hear what the experts have to say...I certainly am not one. Thanks.