Rega white belts

I am about ready to replace the belts on my Rega P7 and was curious if anyone has experience using the new Rega white belts?
Yes I bought one and can hear no difference.
The belt may be slightly better grade rubber, but it is no more round or better in any way i can find.
I am an idiot though for buying it anyway, so my experience may not be accurate.
I have a new Rega P5 with the PS.
I purchased one for my P5 and felt there was an definite improvement in the bass. Not dramatic but, there none the less. Oval I would say a #5 on a scale of 1 to 10 for an upgrade.
You are all joking right? A TT belt enhancing rega's sound. Gimme a break. No better yet. Send in the clowns....