REL strata vs. storm and room size

I need some help. I have B&W sig 805's with a Trivista int amp, and I want to add a rel sw for 2 ch. music only, it will not be used for HT. My room is 18x20. Will the strata be the right size? or should i go with the larger storm. I'm not a fan of booming bass, but I would like to hear more of the lower end that I know I'm missing now and it seems that rel owners are very happy with their sw.
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My room is 14 X 26 X 9 and I had both the Storm and the Stadium in my system for audition. I went with the Stadium. It is a more substantial piece. My experience was different from the above post in that I found the Stadium to have more AND better bass. Very controlled, easily adjustible, powerful and a pretty seamless blend. The Storm was nice but if you really want that bottom end weight (without the boom) go for the Stadium. Of course, room acoustics play a big role in the performance you will hear. FWIW I ultimately ditched the sub in favor of new electronics. You would be surprised how deep your speakers will go with the right engine driving them. Good Luck!
Riverside13--just to finish the thread above as I had to cut it short. What I was trying to convey at the end is that no matter how good the Rel Stadium (or other quality sub) are, I have learned by experience that for two channel audio a subwoofer is really not ideal. The Rel blended about as well as one could hope, given the high level connection and tune to room instructions. However, what I found over time is that getting a sub to sound "right" on every track is not easy to do. Sometimes it provided too much bloom and bloat. Othertimes I felt it wasn't really in my system at all. When I shut it off and took it out of my system yeah, I missed the deepest bass, but the music simply sounded more "right". By substantally upgrading my electronics I picked up much of the deep bass I lost and had a more integrated sound. Of course, your experience may be different (room acoustics, etc etc) but just thought I would try to encourage you to consider NOT using the sub as an option. If you use one, the Rel is super.