Repair Exemplar 3910 or ???

My John Tucker modified 3910 U-player is showing unmistakeable symptoms of incipient laser death (the dreaded 0h 00m 00s, cannot load disk errors). John says he can replace the laser for $200. It's a secondary source for me as I have all my cds ripped as FLAC files on an MV2 server and play back via Modwright Transporter. I have about 20 SACDs and a handful of DVD-As. Looking for opinions on the cost-effectiveness of having the repair done vs. getting an Oppo U-players or maybe a used Sony 5400.

Rest of system is Doshi Alaap pre/Doshi Lectrom JH-50 or VAC Ren 30/30/Merlin VSM-mme or Ref 3A Suprema. TIA.
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I have had or heard every digital product that John has made. His tube gear alway out performs the Ss gear after some time. He told me that the new outboard ps Oppo 95 just destroyed the proto type dac that I have, but it is nearly impossible to put a digital in on the Oppo 95, so I will await the coming Exemplar tube output dac with the Sabre chip.
Musicfile: I don't know which Exemplar you are referring to. I loved the 2900 when I used it, and then bought the 3910 after hearing for myself how much better it was. I know people who upgraded with Exemplar mods on other subsequent Denon, Oppo, and other models. They say each step up has been a significant improvement. Having said that, I will say that the 3910 is still a very, very good player. I bought a stock Oppo 95, and was disappointed to find it was not even close to the Exemplar modded 3910.
Would you like to attempt the repair yourself? I found the link on how to replace the laser and it was very easy to do. Cost me $30 and less than 30 mins of time to do it. I own the Modwright 3910 as well as Exemplar 5910. Boths are wonderful sounding with an edge to th Exemplar unit.
I think you should post that link (and potentially a link to a source for the parts)... if only for archival purposes. Given that this is a somewhat common issue, I think a number of people in the future might benefit from knowing how to do this.