Replacements for Dynaudio Floorstanders

Hi there.

My current system is made up of the following: Dynaudio Contour 1.8 Mk IIs, Krell 300il, Benchmark USB DAC, and a laptop with lossless music.

I'm looking to introduce a little warmth in my system, seeing as the Dyn/Krell/DAC combo has miles of resolution, but doesn't offer much in the way of engagement. I'm considering selling my Dynaudios for a warmer pair of speakers that I hope to find on Audiogon. $4k is my limit. My thinking is a used pair of B&W Nautilus 802s or 803s. What other suggestions would folks have, in terms of speakers that have similar resolution to Dynaudio's stuff, but offers more warmth and darkness? One outside consideration of mine is a pair of Mirage OMD-28s. Any help would be much appreciated.

Krell and AQ possibly not the combination for your ears. Try borrowing some Kimber or other cables..... after the downloads and mods.
I've got to go against the grain here. No amplifier change I've ever experienced comes close to effecting the degree of sonic differences that a change in speakers can make. Obviously, this is not a popular position, but I firmly believe that after the recording and the room, the speakers make the biggest difference. And any change in amplification will produce, at best, a modest difference (unless, of course the amp and speakers are mismatched).
"Dyns are not bright speakers you must have a problem elsewhere in the chain. "

My experience is they can be a touch bright in comparison to other designs that also tend to be classified as fairly neutral and balanced in general, in some cases with some amps.

But they are not inherently especially when matched well to amp. YMMV.

Yes, speakers do make the biggest difference, but Dynaudio is an excellent choice for one who wants some warmth without sacrificing the rest, so changing for that reason alone does not make sense.

Maybe there is something else other than or in addition to what the OP mentions as "warmth" that he is looking for that other speakers might do better.

But that's not what I'm reading here to date.

I have not heard that specific model of Krell amp. If it is a significant departure from the typical Krell house sound and in fact somewhat "warm" sounding, then I would retract my recommendation to necessarily change it.
He is getting a lot of bad advice? I don't think Pure Music Program is going to be the magic fix all for sure LOL. It seem to be common knowledge that Krell can tend to be bright sounding gear. I've owned Krell and Dynaudio and if either one is brighter sounding it's the Krell, not that either is bad but maybe just a bad combo. I've owned 3 sets of Dyns and never have I thought them bright, maybe even a little on the relaxed side. I've never owned B&W but when I've heard them they have seemed a little dull and lifeless but then Krell and B&W is supposed to be a good combo so who knows maybe it will be the magic you are looking for but if it were me I'd stick with the Dyns and at least try a different amp first since it's so much easier to pack and ship an amp than speakers
I posted on your other post.. There's a couple of ways to go. If you want to go the speaker route I'd heartily recommend Harbeths, natural, warm'ish but not lacking in detail, work well with Krell. If you want to stick with the Dynaudio's I'd definitely look at warmer cables.. Cardas would be a good choice try a set of Golden Cross, speaker and interconnect. As far as AC power, that can have a Huge affect. I'd replace all of your stock cords with something like the very good and very inexpensive Shunyata Venom 3, these are a bit warm'ish and only $99.00 each.. Lastly a Shunyata Hydra would make a nice improvement, you get away with a Hydra 4 since you're only hooking up Dac and Int Amp.. maybe even a Hydra 2, they come up here for sale pre