Replacements for Dynaudio Floorstanders

Hi there.

My current system is made up of the following: Dynaudio Contour 1.8 Mk IIs, Krell 300il, Benchmark USB DAC, and a laptop with lossless music.

I'm looking to introduce a little warmth in my system, seeing as the Dyn/Krell/DAC combo has miles of resolution, but doesn't offer much in the way of engagement. I'm considering selling my Dynaudios for a warmer pair of speakers that I hope to find on Audiogon. $4k is my limit. My thinking is a used pair of B&W Nautilus 802s or 803s. What other suggestions would folks have, in terms of speakers that have similar resolution to Dynaudio's stuff, but offers more warmth and darkness? One outside consideration of mine is a pair of Mirage OMD-28s. Any help would be much appreciated.

" I've owned Krell and Dynaudio and if either one is brighter sounding it's the Krell, not that either is bad but maybe just a bad combo."


And if either line is inherently warmer sounding in general it is Dynaudio.

On paper, having never heard the two together actually, I'd say Krell and Dynaudio would be a synergistic combo for good detail with a touch of warmth.

Maybe a touch more is what the OP wants though.

Changing the Dyns alone is not likely to accomplish that.

The Krell or the source (Benchmark DAC I believe?) maybe.

I would only consider changing the BEnchmark if that were perhaps my only source and I like my amp better for whatever reason.

If I also have phono say and want more warmth overall with all sources,then I would say you have to change the amp and not just one source. I suppose I am assuming this scenario in saying change the Krell and not the Benchmark DAC. If Benchmark is and will continue to be the only source, then changing that might accomplish the goal.

Definitely not the Dynaudios though.
Sorry I was going to say, the Hydra's come up for sale pretty often here on the 'gon.

Also if you are using the iMac for a source playing I assume ALAC, or Aiff files? Then using Amarra or Pure Music may also help with musicality..
Not sure what you will end up doing. But as a general rule, choose the speaker you love first, then find the right amp to make them sing. I think the Dynaudio 1.8 is a very fine, first-rate speaker, act accordingly. The Krell is a fine piece of gear too, but if you want a warm sound with it, I think you would need a speaker that is essentially inaccurate to the source and I'm not sure that is the way to go down the road as you build further upon what you have.
Pubul57 I'd have to sort of disagree with your last statement, all speakers are essentially inaccurate to some degree or another. It's a matter of finding the speakers who's inaccuracies most closely agree with ones tastes.
You're right on both points, they are all inaccurate and one
must seek the sound they prefer, but some are more accurate
then others and those that are will not be warm with Krell
because the more accurate the speaker the more it resolves
the characteristics of what proceeds them in the chain. If a
speaker can manage to make Krell sound warm, I would say the
inaccuracy is significant.

Have you ever heard your speakers sound great, in another
system or with another amp where you really liked the sound,
and with the warmth you are looking for? For example, they
would sound quite different (better in my view) with a Pass
XA series amp, or their integrated, just examples of SS amps
with some degree of "warmth". The Dynaudio brand in general
will tend to sound like what proceeds them as they tend to
be more accurate than most and a clearer window to what is
on the "other side" (I think they are very desirable

There is also the issue of warmth versus bloom where we use
the same words to mean different things or different things
to say one thing we have in mind. For example, a tube amp
like the Music Reference RM200 (or an older RM9) would
certainly give you bloom, but little of the type of warmth
that I think might be what you did not like about your
testing of tube amps - they do differ quite a bit, tube amps
that is, but what they do provide is the addictive bloom
that tube lovers love - they don't all love warmth (which
can be pejorative depending what one has in mind when using
the word).