Revel F208s vs Cremona M vs B&W 803/804 D

5.1 setup
Marantz AV 7005 preamp
Parasound A51 amp (5x250)
Room: 15' x 30', hardwood floors with rug

I am debating between the F208s versus others. Revel dealers in my area claim that the F208s are a superb value for the money, $5,000. My favorite speaker out of these is the BMW 803 diamond - but it may be a bit much for my space and costs $10k. The 804 diamond may be good enough, but it still goes for around $7.5k. The Cremona Ms are hard to find in Graphite and would run $6k used. It's hard to find the B&Ws used on audiogon as they are tie till relatively new.

What do you guys think? The F208s are a great value, but have dull looks and I can't get over the fact that they are assembled in Indonesia.

Any input or advice would be helpful.

Thanks guys.
I agree with the following reviews:

For example, look at this Tone Magazine review:

And also Marc Mickelson's review in The Audio Beat:

And look at Jerry De Colliano's review in Home Theater:

The S8s are ruler flat. Take a look at the bench tests in this Home Theater and HiFi review of the S8s (v2):

(Note -- the x-over and bass drivers were changed in the S8 v3s. I understand that the impedance bump at 2K Hz was tapped down to about 20 ohms in the v3s.)

Frankly, I am uncomfortable recommending gear because there are a lot of terrific brands on the market and there's so much subjectivity when making selections. I only mentioned the Tributes because I saw a pair up for sale and I think they are terrific speakers. And the cabinet finish is to die for -- black garnet. The dealer almost freaked when I touched the cabinet. He used white gloves to move them around. No sh*t!

My only caveat is that the Tributes and S8s will sound best when driven by a low output impedance amp (usually SS) that can deliver high quality, clean current/power. Jeff Dorgay in Tone Magazine said that the S8s are good enough to be fed the best power you can afford. I agree with that statement.

I recommend that one NOT couple a high'ish output impedance, low power tube amp to these speakers. They have an impedance bump (S8s: 20 ohms at 2K Hz) at the mid-range/tweeter x-over point and a 4 ohm impedance saddle in the mid-bass to middle midrange sonic spectrum (50 Hz to 500'ish Hz).

Now ... if you have a little extra change, pick up a pre-owned Paradigm sub woofer and then lock the house to keep the neighbors out. You will be doing some serious rocking.

Hope this helps.

Good luck.

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@ Bob_renolds, I am sorry for saying the back seat scenero, I assume this because JBL makes 2 or 3 models that cost alot more than Revels most exspensive model speakers, and both companies are owned by Harmon Industries, Forgive me Bob, I concluded this is only an opinion I have, I thought that what I said was common sence, cheers.
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@ Bob_reynolds, Revel is inferior to JBL top models!, Really?, your kidding right?, why would Harmon industries charge more money for the JBL 3 or 4 models that are more exspensive than the best model, most exspensive of Revel?, There is no way I believe that Revel would compete to JBL at this level of speakers, why carry the JBL line that cost more?, This to me is impossible!, I am sorry to put it like this, I have tried to make you understand the best that I believe here, I have listened to both brands as well, I enjoy both, but there is a level of performance you cannot get with the Revel speakers that the JBL top models achieve, cheers.