Revel F228BE

For all you Revel lovers out there and those who should be. 
I just received my new Revel F228BE speakers and after only about 12 hours on them i must say they sound absolutely amazing. 
Spectacular mids and highs, great solid and detailed rhythmic bass.  Everything i loved about the F206s and F208s but much more refined, better bass, better soundstage and hear deaper into the music. They also play louder much more easily being more efficient. 
I'm using an Ayre K-5xe MP preamp, Levinson 532H amplifier with Oppo105d playing into a Benchmark DAC2.  Cant wait til there are another 100 hours on these, I'm super happy with them already. Truly amazing speakers!
Ugh, I just posted I was going to here these demoed this week. Thanks for the info they're Chinese made. I've had nothing but bad luck with Chinese products due to quality control issues. So I'll not take a chance on their audio components. I'm not a made in America fanatic. I love my Toyota vehicles and will be looking at French and British speakers too. What a shame since they've been well recommended from what I've read. Might have some huge tariffs on them now too. Who knows.

Skyscraper to be more exact the Performa3s are made in Indonesia and Salons in Revels factory in Mexico just south of the border. Maybe where F228BE are made in Indonesia also?  Ut not China so no extra tariffs. 
I brought up same concern with my dealer who built speaker systems for years and he replied why does it make any difference when quality is superb and reviews and Revel has impeccable reputation. 
I love USA made too hence Levinson, Ayre and all my cables made here but these sound outstanding.  
Good luck but i would still listen. 
Yes, the cheaper Revel lines are made in China, but I actually don't know where the 228 is made. Initm is correct that the 208s were made in Indonesia. I will tell you that auditioning them is still a good idea, they are stunning sounding, they actually sound better than most speakers I have heard regardless of cost. The natural timbre and driver intergration just sounds more like real music, real life.  
@chrissain These people you know must be the same people that refuse to own/use any cell phones, computers, or any cars other than maybe Tesla. Props.
there is no choice when it comes to phones or computers, but there is a choice for the well off when it comes to HiFi. Revel used to made in California, now it's not. And yes I know lots of people that would buy Magico or Wilson, but not Revel, just because of where they are made. I personally own the 228be so that should tell you where I stand on the issue.

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