Review: Acoustic Revive RR-77 Tweak

Category: Accessories

I consider myself a relatively sane and skeptical audiophile when it comes to devices that offer a higher level of performance with magical explanations of how they work. Well, I had read on Six Moons website a very postive review regarding the Acoustic Revive RR-77 room conditioner, yes room conditioner, but took it with a big grain of salt. Then my good friend and fellow GON member Ted Brady in a conversation tells me that he has not lost his mind, but the damn device worked wonders in his high end system. So, what the heck, it costs $400.00 and I can get one from Music Direct with a 30 day home audition and send it back if it does not work.

It's a very small box that you put behind your speakers at the height of five feet off the ground. It is a type of wave generater that puts into the room a subsonic frequency that either effects how you hear the system in the room or somehow effects the acoustic of the room it self. For alot more information regarding the theory regarding how it works you can go to Six Moons website for alot more details.

Well, I have no real idea how it produces the effects it does, but the damn thing works magic in the following areas:

1)A greater liquidity and oozyness in my system without a loss of PRAT or macrodynamics.

2)More dense images with greater air around each player in the soundstage.

3)A deeper/wider soundstage.

4)Everything sounds more relaxed and natural.

My girlfriend, who is a musician, heard it instantly when she walked in and asked me what did I do this time regarding a new piece of gear. So, I have no rational explanation how it works, but boy does it work in a significant postive way. So, if I have not lost my mind, I recommend you try one in your room. What the heck, you get a 30 day trial from Music Direct. Highly recommended!

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Most Schumanns need to be at least 6 feet off the floor for optimum results. Height, location and direction are key to their success. Using multiple units will greatly improve results.
Using Schumanns effectively is not a simple matter of unboxing and turning on. Among those interested in Schumanns in the audio community, I do not think that there is a good understanding of how to optimize their use.

There are 5 factors impinging on the effectiveness of Schumanns:

1. The kind of Schumanns used (not all Schumanns are equal).
2. The number of units used.
3. The location of the units.
4. The height of the units.
5. The direction of the units.

It takes quite a bit of experimenting with Schumanns to figure out what works best. In my system, I have one unit of Schumann version 1, 6 units of Schumann version 2, and 8 units of Schumann version 3 -- with more to come.

Cumulatively, Schumanns can greatly improve SQ, with the result being more enjoyment of the music. Schumanns work synergistically with Steinmusic Harmonizers, Shakti Hallographs, QRT Symphonies, Synergistic Research ART and other tweaks and accessories. Each addresses a somewhat different but complementary aspect of SQ.
Hi, Sabai, does the Schumann frequency device operate on the signal (acoustic waves) or on the listener?
Hi Geoffkait,

I think it operates on both. It is easy to observe its effect on the signal, but not so easy to observe its effect on the listener.
Sabai, I would like to add "vibration isolation"
to your list. My Schumann unit is placed at the end of a piece of maple,
sitting on a shelf at the rear of the room, six feet high, extending into the room. The quality of the isolating device changes the sound.
My choice is Symposium Rollerblocks.

My unit, "Earthsafe Whole House" from Less EMF Inc.,
has two nice features. It has a ground cord to inject the signal
into the wiring of the house (their claim). And it has a dial
so you can adjust the output of the unit. I can coordinate it
with a Synergistic Research FEQ and a Kemp SR that
are in the front of the room.