Review: XLO 1.1 signature Interconnect

Category: Cables

I purchased a pair of Harmonic Technology Magic in January and was wondering how my previous reference cable the XLO signature would compare and purchased a pair of signature cables used for $250. Straight out of the package even though the signature wasn't used previously it was no contest especially in the bass the signature seemed to have another octave lower bass extension and considerably more weight and definition,the midrange is much more transparent compared to the harmonic cable which has a veiled sound kind of like a fog where you can't see or hear through clearly in this case. Their wasn't any sonic parameter in which the XLO wasn't superior to the harmonic cable. I'd assumed cables had been improved in the last ten years and the signature was completely obsolete by now. I was totally wrong.

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I used XLO signature speaker cables as my previous reference cable I would like to compare them with my Nordost SPM speaker cables I use currently. I couldn't compare them at the time because of broken speakers. Anybody ever directly compare XLO signature and Nordost SPM speaker cables? Your opinion please? the signature speaker cables sound very similar to the signature interconnects.
Mejames, this is on Quads, Sound Lab and Jadis gear: I found the XLO and the SPM both excellent on transients, similar in the lower highs and bottom octaves, the SPM a tad more open, the XLO bit warmer in the midrange. The biggest difference I detected was in the mid to upper bass region. Here the SPM seemed much leaner and I used them to good effect to smooth out the upper bass rendering on the 989 and my room effects, which I was unable to tame before. Both cables are actually not ideal to use with electrostats, but since I use separate tweeters with them, this was not a problem. However, when I used both cables with the Innersound monos, they were a match made in hell.
Hello everyone,

I've been using XLO 1.1 sig. ic's for about 5 years now. I love them and at the time they beat everything I put up against them. I'm also using XLO type 5.1 speaker cable. They too have speed, neutrality and image like nothing else I've heard. The only thing I've put up against them recently was an older design of Virtual Dynamics sig. ic. I liked VD's power cords so I thought I'd try their ic's. The XLO sounded a lot better to me. faster and a lot more neutral. Of course all cables are system dependent. It's good to hear that other people have compared an older design product from XLO to current products and the XLO came out on top. I guess newer doesn't always mean better.
XLO has it's special sound characteristic which no one can match --- The Nice Bass
Up until nowadays, after 6 years, I am still in love with XLO products, especially the Signature Series they had.
Their top-of-the-line cables are not cheap, but they are also not incredibily expensive like Transparent, Tara Labs...etc
If you like well defined bass, you gotta get XLOs.
When compared to XLOs, most other cables are just lacking dynamic, low-end definition, image & focus...etc The Signature Series might be a little harsh, but I think their Limited and Unlimited Series has solved this problem.
"harsh" no they are just telling the truth about the components characteristics which are being feed into them. the higher priced models are even better is absolutely true also.