Ribbon tweeters...out of favor these days?


Just a quick question about ribbon tweeters on tower speakers. Has the technology with metal dome and fabric dome tweeters produced results that obviate the need for or advantage of ribbon tweeters. I know that some manufactures such as VMPS and Legacy still seem to favor ribbons, at least as a super tweeter.

But I have been researching speakers, and it seems most of the mid to upper line brands such as B&W, Thiel, Vandersteen, Eggleston, and others employ some type of dome tweeter.

What are the relative advantages/disavantages of each type for a 50/50 mix of music and home theater?
Well put Audioman...

There are other tweeters that have much greater range such as the Accuton BD20-6-031 3/4 " diamond tweeter frequency of 2500 HZ- 80KHZ.

And you pay for that performance in the product application @ $2900.

Prefer the ribbon tweeter for more open and inner detail for instrumental music and listening to percussion. Would love to AB higher fabricated dome tweeters against higher end ribbon tweeters.
one tweeter that is becoming a fast favorite is the Mundofr
AMT - Air motion transformer tweeters These are byfar the best the 2310 I may be using soon it is solid from 1khz to over 25khz .Don"t get to hung up in th numbers the raal will go out past 60k Bug deal it is ambiance possibly 1-2%
on the best of days .The amt tweeter is very fast and airy but also far more dynamic than a ribbon and very musical
more real sounding .retail about $1k a pair the raal is around $600+ if I am building or buyng from a company such as salk or Selah that builds cutom this is what i am using also to complement this Mundorfs excellent capacitors the Silver metal oil caps with their resistors it is a fantastic match for the highs and mids .
These are just starting to be noticed here in the states. Tony Gee of the Netherlands who builds many $$ custom speakers and well known for his webpage humblehomemade hifi uses them and in Europe several use them I have not exactly went on a search I am going by what I have heard personally .My uncle makes
speakers for the Professional studio market and have I have heard all types of combinations .The Mundorf was his favorite and I also agree it has the dynamics of a cone with the speed and openness of a ribbon.