Rich; organic true balanced amp w good detail $6k

Suggestions welcomed & appreciated- here are the Criteria:

- fully balanced architecture
- rich, organic sound, extended bass, silky highs, but not at the expense of obscuring detail
- No OTL (too many tubes/heat)
- SS (Class A bias) or tubes OK
- 20-200 wpc ok, the lower the better though all things being equal- well built power supply crucial
- stereo amp easier to put on my Sistrum rack, but mono-bock architecture also considered if better performance
- $6k or less used would be ideal, but would consider up to $8k used if there are no world-beating contenders at the $5k-$6k used price point

Preamp is a modded Sonic Frontiers Line 3- extremely neutral, hence the desire for a richer-sounding amp to balance. High efficiency speakers from Coincident- large open concept room (main floor of house). Re: tubes, have used ARC VT-100 MKIII- good- airy w big soundstage, but meatier mids would be better. Also had Wyetech Topaz 20-watt SET, superb, if slightly lean in the mids (and not fully balanced, but shows you how powerful 20 watts can sound with a well-built power supply) For SS, am considering Pass XA.5 series (they now can run balanced from what I understand?); Clayton Audio M-200 (but unfortunately over the price-range).

Thanks in advance for any suggestions- I have an open mind, so bring it on!
$6k (or less) will buy a pair of Belles 150A Reference or 350A Reference monoblocks. In my system, they have the characteristics you mention. I sold VAC 160 Musicblocs in favor of the Belles 150A Reference amps.

Associated gear is: Atma-Sphere MP-1 MK III preamp, Silverline Sonata III loudspeakers, Modwright Sony 999ES Platinum Signature with tube power supply.
great ideas so far guys- I think we on the same page

John (Jmcgrogan2)- what are you using for speakers; preamp; and what is the size of your listening room? Also- have always been curiuous about the '2' after your Agon name- was there ANOTHER Jmcgrogan already? :-)

Dennis- yes, have heard great things about Vac, but have never heard them myself. What is the best VTL amp? I heard the 250's running in triode mode are very good, but also that the Signature models have the best sound, and some feel that you need to get to the 450 Sigs to get the best VTL offers...
My vote is for a used VAC Phi 110 if you can get your hands on it. Otherwise, Musicbloc, or VTL MB 125, 185, 450...
Interesting, it sounds like we are looking for similar amps. I've also been eyeing some Clayton M-200's and Pass XA-60's. I did just pick up a BAT VK-75SE, and it sounds very good. It actually even had my wife saying positive things (very, very rare). I'm not sure if I'll keep the BAT yet though, as it throws out a tremedous amout of heat. I have to find a way to better control the heat dissipation to consider keeping it though. The BAT's sonics do have me leaning toward a tube amp though. I would love to hear a pair of VAC Musicbloc 160's. From my previous experience with BAT & VAC gear, I would imagine that the Musicbloc's would have more silky high's, while the BAT would have better bass. The VAC slightly lighter, the BAT slightly darker.
I'd also be interested in hybrid amps like the Aria WT100(XL), Aesthetix Atlas, or Blue Circle BC204, though none of these show up on the used market much.

FWIW, I'm currently using a ARC Ref 3 preamp.

Happy hunting,