Riggle Vtaf w/Rega P9 & RB1000. Good idea or not?

Greetings fellow vinyl lovers! I am buying a Rega P9 with the RB1000 arm. My cartridge is a Clearaudio Maestro. I would really like to have VTA adjustment capability with this table and have heard very good things about the Riggle Vtaf VTA adjustment wheel. Here is the question. Is it a good idea to install the Vtaf on the P9. Has anyone out there done this and what was your experience? The RB1000 has a 3 point attachment system that is different than the less expensive Rega arms, so I am little wary of installing the Vtaf on the P9. Also, this is an expensive table to mess with and I would not want to effect it in any negative way. By the way, I have about 5,000 records, 3,000 being classical, and I play vinyl most of the time.
I did this with an RB700 (same 3 point mount as your 1000) on a customized lenco L-75 with very good results.
I do think it may require you to enlarge the mounting hole on your rega ...if you contact Pete Riggle he will undoubtedly be able to take you through the ins and outs as he is very nice to deal with and very knowledgeable.
Thank you Glide3. I guess the 3 point mounting system does not get in the way of the Vtaf adjustment wheel? What were the improvements to the sound on you Lenco?
Pete makes the VTAF so that your arm mounts right to the unit.
I find even slight adjustments in VTA to make significant differences in quality of playback so to have this ability is the benefit
I can't recommend this enough. Benefits are many, including not just the VTA-ability, which is indeed a major improvement, but the overall change to the suspension of the arm opens up the soundstage and lowers the record noise. Go for it - you won't regret it!
Thank you Slaw3 for your unrestrained enthusiasm for the VTAF. It helps get rid of my hesitation. Do you have the P9 with the VTAf in your system or another set up with the VTAF?