Riggle Vtaf w/Rega P9 & RB1000. Good idea or not?

Greetings fellow vinyl lovers! I am buying a Rega P9 with the RB1000 arm. My cartridge is a Clearaudio Maestro. I would really like to have VTA adjustment capability with this table and have heard very good things about the Riggle Vtaf VTA adjustment wheel. Here is the question. Is it a good idea to install the Vtaf on the P9. Has anyone out there done this and what was your experience? The RB1000 has a 3 point attachment system that is different than the less expensive Rega arms, so I am little wary of installing the Vtaf on the P9. Also, this is an expensive table to mess with and I would not want to effect it in any negative way. By the way, I have about 5,000 records, 3,000 being classical, and I play vinyl most of the time.
Hello 4yanx,
Please elaborate on your thoughts.
I am intriqued by the strength of your opinion.
Ok folks, I found the picture of the VTAF for the 3 point mounted Rega tonearm.
Here is the link.
As you can see this VTAF lifts the tonearm a bit higher, which is a concern of mine, but Pete insists that his shims take of the problem with no negative effect to sound or performance.
I would of course be correct, and of course no disrespect at all to Pete, and his products, that Pete's VTAF is in some ways a "Band-Aid" trying to cure-correct the deficiencies of certain, Less expensive Tonearms.

We have to be thankful that Pete did come along, and offer a modification to enable VTA on the fly for many less than state of the Art Tonearms which do in most cases nowadays incorporate adjustable VTA on the fly.

I wouldn't suspect the Brass to be a detriment to sound, but if there was some way I could avoid using any brass shims, I would personally prefer that option-solution, perhaps more from a cosmetic standpoint, more than anything. I'd personally rather have Cartridge squarely buttoned firmly to headshell, rather than having to cant Cartridge Body to achieve correct VTA-SRA.

An Arm that is "Ass High" IMO does look better than a Cartridge which is "Ass Low", and looks like it is almost scraping the LP when in play.

If the Platter-Platter Bearing could've in some way been shimmed in height, this would be one other way to correct additional Arm height, but also may incur other problems with Belt-Pulley height alignment as well?

A seperate Armboard could somehow perhaps be lowered, thus lowering Arm in the process?

One could perhaps slightly countersink the Bronze Bushing in Armboard?. One must remember, the face of Bushing must remain above Armboard surface in order to correctly work with the cooresponding Knurled Adjusting Nut. I think Pete touches on this in some wording I once read on his site, or another article of his? Mark
I thought of something in regards to using the Riggle Vtaf with the Rega RB1000 and P9. If one used the Cartridge Man Isolator between your cartridge and head shell of the arm, then the extra height of the Vtaf would be compensated for and there may be no need for the use of the shim the comes with the Vtaf.
I put it on my rb300 arm on planar3 and love it,would never buy another table without vta adjustment .