Ringo Starr or Charlie Watts???

Charlie is rock solid, like clockwork. Ringo has a flair, more musical. Any thoughts? I myself have to go Ringo.
"I really never noted the Beatles for drumming at all. Funny how some people get it and others don't - I certainly don't get it with Ringo - but I agree he is superb but is he remarkable? Melodies seems to stand out most in my mind coupled with rather simple back beats/fills. "

Shadorne, take another listen to the drumming on "Rain", "Tomorrow Never Knows" and countless other songs where Lennon is the singer. As Ringo stated in a recent interview, he was allowed to be creative on a John song whereas Paul would try to tell everyone what to play. It shows.

As for Charlie Watts, he's quite boring to me, both in manner and playing style.

I will listen to those tracks you suggest - it seems you always learn something new here - thanks.
Shadhorne - Dave Garibaldi w/ Tower of Power - yeah, that is some serious pushing of the beat. Funk/blues and swing are where you have some serious rubber-meeting-the-road, just in terms of pure technique for drummers...a fabulous pinnacle being Mike Clark on Herbie Hancock's Thrust...polyrhythms of amazing complexity, but right THERE. Charlie Watts could probably play funk. Ringo had some creative ideas, but when you put him up against some of the jazz-trained pro studio guys or the last 20 years like Vinnie Colaiuta or Mike Clark or Dave Garibaldi, he's just not got the technical equipment to do what they can do. Yet, they'd probably each credit him with "opening the door"--helping turn the drums into a musical instrument in its own right instead of a metronome. He wasn't a strong technician, and he wasn't rock solid, but he WAS creative and musical within his context, and it's worth hearing what he had to say.

Thanks for the comments. I am trying to learn more about drumming (got a V drums set recently). I need to take Ringo seriously it would seem.

I need to get Thrust - good suggestion. I gave Head Hunters a lot of play time when I was heavily into Vinyl - during the early 80's and at a time when most music sounded so good (unlike today where it is almost all hyper-compressed crap - I blame the Steve Lillywhite loudness legacy that followed the wonderful work of David Lord, Trevor Horn, Hugh Padgham and Alan Parsons, Colin Thurston, Elliot Sheiner and many others)
Will be seeing Ringo in concert this July 5th. This is going to be a real joy for me and the wife. As far as whos the best for me its a toss up love em both.