Ringo Starr or Charlie Watts???

Charlie is rock solid, like clockwork. Ringo has a flair, more musical. Any thoughts? I myself have to go Ringo.

Thanks for the comments. I am trying to learn more about drumming (got a V drums set recently). I need to take Ringo seriously it would seem.

I need to get Thrust - good suggestion. I gave Head Hunters a lot of play time when I was heavily into Vinyl - during the early 80's and at a time when most music sounded so good (unlike today where it is almost all hyper-compressed crap - I blame the Steve Lillywhite loudness legacy that followed the wonderful work of David Lord, Trevor Horn, Hugh Padgham and Alan Parsons, Colin Thurston, Elliot Sheiner and many others)
Will be seeing Ringo in concert this July 5th. This is going to be a real joy for me and the wife. As far as whos the best for me its a toss up love em both.
"whos best" triggered a memory...

Ringo's son, Zach Starkey, played drums with The Who when I saw them twice in 2002 (the first time was their first concert just days after John Entwistle died).

Zach was excellent.
Tvad sounds like your timing was right for that show. Its been since the mid 70s when these ears heard the sounds of the Who live. Pete flying across the stage and Keith wailing on the drums. That show is in my top five of all time.
The show was fraught with drama and emotion, as you can imagine.

The second time I saw The Who that year, Pete put on a guitar clinic. It was amazing to watch and hear.

The only previous time I had seen The Who was at their "Farewell Tour" in 1983 (I think it was). Kenny Jones was on drums. Yawn.

Zach Starkey was a definite improvement.