RIP Kenny Rankin

Kenny Rankin, singer/songwriter/inspiration and so much more, passed away yesterday after a brief illness.. see or yahoo news today.. He will be sadly missed.. He made music like no other....
Correction. Wrong song. Brain Flatulence.
Appolgies to the family, and I am sure that he has
a new "Peaceful" song in his heart now.
Oh man, I was just watching a DVD of him the other day. What a loss! I have fond memories of his music while in high school growing up in the 70's...oh well, up until now.
I saw Kenny Rankin play in NYC many,many years ago. My memory is:

Beautiful songs
Beautiful singing
A great sense of humor.

He announced to the crowd, "Here's one you all know" and played the riff from "Smoke On The Water" before doing (I think - remember this is a long time ago) "Silver Morning".

He just came across as a great musician AND a likeable guy. It's sad that he's gone.
