RMAF 2008 - Your impressions,...

I know there's still few hours to go but I was wondering what my fellow Audiogoners think of RMAF 2008. What equipment left great impression, even what was a bit of a let down...As for me, it was my first year and my time was very limited, but I have to point out Emerald Physics for their CS1 and CS2, which are great speakers, selling for much less (esp. CS2) than you would think. They sound a bit different than what most of us are used to due to their unique design. Unfortunately their need for two amps make it little difficult to integrate them in my system, otherwise they'd be on top of my list. I also have to mention AV123 and GR-Research whose X-static speakers must be one of the best bargains on the market (I know, we all have heard it before...), anybody looking for a $1000 dollar speakers (and even much more) need to give these a listen.
Digital can make any system sound like Sh-t. =8^)

The Playback CDP was the only one that sounded good at RMAF IMHO.


Why no TT in your room? Sounds Real Audio with digital sounds fake good. Your name would sound better with a TT set up.
Regarding Apogee.

Just to clarify new Apogee speakers were not exhibited at rmaf for several reasons, the main ones being that all new product is exclusively made to order for specific clients, as we are in the unusual position of having many restored to better than new original speakers to offer throughout the installer network. These represent extreme value, sound per dollar.

Yes - new speakers are made, to order only.

Releasing new product at a show is saying "look at me!!!" - and involves large investment in a show sales stock you actually believe you will sell. This can be risky. Many well known and well intended companies have been in the unfortunate problem of taking home all or most of what they invested in building believing they would sell over the weekend, not to be. We didn't. Thank GOD for that in these uncertain times!

TSW Rich's demonstration as an installer was primarily to demonstrate to existing Apogee owners the benefits of re-investing in currently owned speakers, and just how well such meticulously rebuilt speakers compete against current new products offered in 2008 by other manufacturers. Feedback suggests this was achieved. Our company ethics are against waste and for solutions, and the made-to-order and restoration work adequately fills our time!

Lastly, the speaker design that we considered showing at the show is called ENCORE. In these unusual times it was considered that time would be better spent continuing to refine and develop this to be even better, so release will be delayed.

Take care - Graz


Regarding Vinyl in our room. On Thursday, set up day, Kara Chaffee, of deHavilland fame, and I were really sweating. Trying to get the room to sound terrific. I brought three sets of speakers with the intention that we would play all three. We had two pair of amplifiers, the GM-70's and the new 50A's, and planned to play both. Vinyl would have pushed me over the top.. which wouldn't be that hard to do.

Kara in who's ears I trust, was joking about the look of the Playback Design, and not saying much about the sound. On Sunday however she was telling most listeners what a big part of the sound that player was and hoping to have one to take to the CES Show. She is not easy to win over, nor should anyone else be.

Understand that she did not immediately jump to that conclusion. Her electronics are nothing if not musical and the MPS-5 added to that.

I am running on here but in a nut shell I didn't want to ruin my David Bowie and Bob Dylan records.
'Digital can make any system sound like Sh-t. =8^)'

I disagree. There is at least one system I know that is an exception rather than a rule. Sadly not my own.

'The Playback CDP was the only one that sounded good at RMAF IMHO'.

Are you saying only 1 cd player sounded any good at the show? If so, are you 100% sure that none of the 'loudspeakers' were not to blame at all, maybe.?

I think I heard Apogees at last years show, very nice indeed.

What system are you talking about "that is an exception"?

The Playback CDP just sounded different than the other players and that for the better.

If one is bringing in a new line of speakers, such as the EP CS1,then why would one run digital on them? The CS1 is ugly but it was one of the better sounding speakers in the show. It would have been nice to hear them with a TT set up. For the money and being SS, I must admit, it was a great sound for sure.

It was very enjoyable to go into rooms with a TT setup and get to hear the different TT, carts and arms being used. Heavenly sounds that made the show worth going to.