Rock Music: 1951-1976 vs. 1977-2003

There have been a number of posts recently where people have voiced opinions about how much better music was back when "Star Trek" was in it's original run. This is a post intended to examine the issue in a little more detail.

Let's say rock & roll started in 1951 with "Rocket 88" and has evolved continously through the present day. That's 52 years of 4/4 music with a heavy backbeat and it puts the midpoint at about 1977, or the start of the punk/new wave sound. My question is which of these two periods produced the best music. Voice your opinion and explain why.
Since I got involved with Frank Zappa when I was 15 the commercial world was going more far and far away from my listening tastes. Not knowing well English I swallowed FZ's well heard and pronounced lyrics and speaches during performances(BTW something to learn from PHD in English isn't it?) from his records and tapes and as far as time goes towards nowdays in such commercial-pop-free world everything becomes more interesting, sophisticated and creative. FZ-played musicians formed their own bands with smashing albums as well as members of Jethro Tull, Genesis, Yes, King Crimson, Can, ELP, Soft Machine, Roxy Music, etc.., merging with each other making such list is extreamly wide and rich that realy can compete with rest of commercial world and even wider, whilist pop and commercial stars light-up for a while and than everyone forgets about them or played and listened only by contemporary generation(s). Folks in 30-s will listen something from Abba or Tina Turner, Madonna; folks in 40-s will listen something as James Brown, Kool and the Gang; folks in 20-s will listen to Aqua, Back Street Boys etc...
You've got an interesting point. Contemporary artists are popular today. Only time will tell if they have lasting power. Meanwhile we sort of know who amongst the earlier artists have staying power. That's not to say many of them will a hundred years from now. But you and I don't care what happens a hundred years from now. It's what we enjoy today and tomorrow that's important. For me that's Wagner. He's got staying power ! Why ? Because his works are performed and the performers have the license to interpret his works so each production is different. We're not quite so flexible with Beatles of FZ or Christine Agulara numbers. Yet.
Well, I guess I need to clarify my point on the 70's being, for rock, a falling-off. First, of course Jethro tull, Dire Straits, Skynyrd, etc. are 70's bands and I own several of their albums. I think that beginning in about 1972/1973 some of the best music, and certainly much of the most popular music was Motown, Folk and...oops...disco.
This alone somewhat proves my point. I think that Yes, there are exceptions as even those of you who decry the most recent releases must allow for 'today's' music. I just think that, with the above exceptions, and of course Bowie, the 70's amounted to an interlude. These were also my own College years.
UncleJeff: I think that there are many people that would agree with you, but possibly in a different way. From my point of view, what was good and innovative in the 60's and early 70's began to stagnate. As such, many of the "youth" began to rebel against "corporate" rock and started their own "musical revolution". We know it today as "punk rock" and it obviously had a pretty big impact on both musicians and the music industry as a whole.

Looking back now, i "hated" much of what was "corporate" hard rock back then and gladly embraced the "rebellion" of punk. When i was a freshmen in 1978, i was one of two "punk rockers" in the whole 1000+ student high school. While the other guy had an older brother that played in the now famous band called "Ministry", there was literally nobody around that was into most of the music that i really liked. Most of this was due to lack of exposure on the part of others, so i was constantly lending out LP's. I did this so that "rockers" could actually find out that it was possible to share thought, emotion and energy in a record without having to listen to 30+ minutes of mindless lyrics and guitar wanking.

Sitting here and thinking about all of this, i feel kind of like a hypocrite. Not only do i enjoy many of the "legends" that i was "diss'ing" back then ( Zepplin, Sabbath, Floyd, etc... ), i now have a tendency to criticize the music and youth of today. In effect, the "rebellious punk has become a member of the establishment". I know that there are others here that are in similar shoes, but it sure doesn't feel very good to think of being one of those that the youth of today call "Mr Suit" ( which was a GREAT song by the way ). After reading some of the other comments and reviewing the one that i made regarding cutting off "rock" after about 1988, i've come to the realization that i either need to get out more often and go to different shows or agree to die a slow death while still walking on two feet. As such, i'd rather be the "old codger" yelling with the kids at a show than to be the "old bastard" yelling at the kids from the porch. Know what i mean ?

Maybe i need to dig a little deeper and find some GOOD "alternative" music to what is no longer "alternative" but simply "corporate". Most of the crap on the radio is no better or different than what i was rebelling against 20+ years ago, so why have i come to accept it as being "okay to listen to" nowadays ? Sean
Unclejeff, you're saying that the mid 70's were an interlude in good quality R&R? How can one really argue/debate this?

Jethro Tull (which started recording in '67, but was around much earlier) put out some of their best LPs in the 75-79 years.

It does seem as though R&R did lose its way in there though. At the time when everyone roundly criticised the 'arena' rock bands who no longer played clubs, now this is looked upon as the golden age of concert attendance. This might be due to the fact that many of the groups are no longer around.

I'm going to see Jethro Tull again for the umpteenth time in August, but it's about the show now, not so much about the quality of the music.

We're probably around the same age, just have different perspectives.

Sean, for the most part I couldn't warm up to the 'punk' scene. A lot of attitude, but not much talent! I still like The Clash though!

It seems somewhat silly to be rebelling against the music that allowed you to exist. I understand that it was mostly a political/economic thing, but to castigate other bands for having talent when the punk practiconers had none is self defeating.

This is all opinion anyway, so we're all right! You gotta love a thread whree people disagree and are still right.