Rogue 88 problems

I bought an used Rogue 88(not magnum). I met couple of problems, hope somebody could help me out.
1. The fan gives rather big noise. My listening room is small (13X12), and it's really annoying. The seller told me the amp is about a year old. Is it about time to change the fan?
2. I hear sparks from the speaker in the first 20 mins when I turn 88 on. What could be the cause of this?
3. This one is not really a problem. When I switch from UL to triode, the volume of sound dosen't change. I am expecting the sound to go down, because the output is half of UL.

Thanks in advance.
What differences did you note with the M120 vs the 88 ?
I am considering upgrading to the M120s. Thanks Len
Everything !! First of all, I am using a pair of Proac Studio 250 speakers. They aren't the most efficient in the world. 89db I believe. The M120's have gobs of power compared to the 88. Every note seems presented effortlessly as compared to the 88. The 88 ( after looking back at the sound as compared to the 120's) seemed strained and maybe a little congested compared to the 120's. I felt happy with the 88 for a little while. Maybey 7 or 8 months. But then I grew tired of the presentation. I am not the most electricaly technical person here so I can't explain the theory of operation but, there are 4 KT88 output tubes per channel as opposed to 2 with the 88. That has to count for something right? Not only that but, the 120's are great heat source for a cold room :-)
I felt that I couldn't go wrong. I traded my Magnum 88 and $900 for the pair of 120's and I haven't been happier.
Th 120 have double the power of the 88. 120 Watts vs 60 Watts I belive. Did you listen in Ultralinear or Triode. Triode on the 88 is 30 Watts, I used them on a pair of 92dB speakers with great succes, then got 120 and Know the 150.
Last amp I will need.
Thanks for the feedback folks. I am looking for more "presence" in the low mids, more bass slam and for a bit more separation. In your opinions will the 120s do this compared to the 88 ? I have Meadowlark Shearwater Hot Rods with the 99 pre amp, CAL 10 CD player, DH labs Q-10 cables. Thanks