Rogue Zeus Amp - Anyone heard this?

I'm very interested in the Rogue Zeus amplifier, but have not heard it.

Any opinions?
Hiend- that's one big hunk of metal to lug in twice!
I'm not sure what the "Rogue magic" is, but the beauty of tubes is the ability to change sonic signature by using different ones.
For sure - as with all equipment, you must arrange the pieces so that they suit YOUR ears. Cables, speakers, electronics all must be put together just so.
The Zeus sits as the cornerstone of the best system I've ever owned, and definitely ever heard IN MY ROOM. It's staying.
I've had my Zeus for a good while now, almost four years.

I have Telefunken and RCA clear tops in the signal tube stages. I've replaced all of the fuses with HiFi tuning fuses for a staggering improvement in slam and sparkle ( I really did not think the fuses would be such an improvement.) It sits on a Sistrum amp stand and uses a Shunyata King Cobra cord.

My preamp is a 99 Magnum that's been tweaked a bit Bob Backert with amazing results.

I've found the Zeus to be a powerful amp capable of great finesse. Soundstaging is pinpoint with width and depth.
There's no "tube magic," just music.

And the Zeus in triode mode is driving Thiel 2.3's, so that should tell you something about its power.

With these speakers, I went from a Bryston 4B-ST to a Plinius SA-102 and then the Rogue and have never looked back.
Im glad you like it. I rolled Black plate RCA, Clear tops,
Ect. One interesting aspect of its performance was the huge diffrence between Hi Z and Lo z rca inputs. the balanced Z is ran thru a transformer that really opens up soundstage almost to a staggering level. The Zeus will work best with brite sounding speakers. HiFI news Did an in depth review on the amp
I lost1 page if anybody would like the review I could fax it.
Type in Zeus on the forums here and see what comes up.
At one time in my room I had the Zeus, 150's 120mag.
Sold them in this order 150, zeus, 120. Then bought another 120.
In addition to these amps Ive had hurricanes, Vtl Mb450, Canary ca339, Music reference, cary v12 plinius, Threshold, krell Aragon, delta omegas crown. Ect.
With the zeus I was able to drive my system very had because of no harshness.