Room too small - any suggestions

I have to temporarily relocate the music to a small room - 10w x 10d x 10h (so I guess it is a cube!). Seating position can be no further than 8 feet from the rear wall (due to room configuration).

System is Sony SCD-1 into BAT 3i and VK60 monoblocks. Yeah it is overkill but it isn't forever. My Vandys are way too big for the room and the bass is a major problem as I can't get much more than 18 inches from the side walls and 2 feet from the rear.

Any suggestions - mainly listen to Jazz. Prefer to keep it under $3K.

Hi Pops; I went through that several years ago, 12 X 14 room and Vand. 2Ce speakers. I just listened at low to low/mod. levels, but if I had it to do over again, I would get a nice pair of stand mounted speakers with bass down to 40-50 HZ and enjoy. A small cube shaped room is going to be tough at anything more than low listening levels, but with $3K you've got some flexibility. Good Luck. Craig
You may be in luck if it's a padded cell. Otherwise you're going to have a lot of reflections. You need something rolled off on top I think. Most mini-monitors that are designed for near-field listening also have very good dispersion and will sound bright if the side walls and ceiling are too close. I use very inexpensive speakers in my home office that have a nicely rolled off top end.

Here's an unusual suggestion. If you search through the recent Audiogon/AudioWeb/Audioreview/AudioShopper speaker ads you will find a pair of vintage KLH Model 5's for sale at $225 by someone in Maryland I think. They are very heavy 3 way "bookshelf" speakers requiring stands. Put them up high and toe them in and they are very linear, have really deep bass and sound great at low volumes. (You cant play very loud in such a small room, and these speakers are about 77db efficient.)
I would check Red Rose Baby minitor for about 2k used! You'll get all, tight bass and superb mid's an highs from ribbon tweeter. Easy to 'drive' and look beautiful.