Rotel RCD 991 or 1072?

Trying to decide on which of these I'll be happiest with. Has anyone here had experience with both? I've heard great things about the 991 but given how old they are now I'm not sure...? I hear mixed reviews on the 1072. Any help is appreciated.
I would look elsewhere for a CD Player. A buddy of mine ordered the 1072 and it was average at best. Save your money and get a Cary 309 or a Quad CDP99.

I had a Rotel 971(not a 991 but same vintage) and then went to the 1072. The 1072 is much better everywhere. More detail, more extension at both ends, blacker blacks, etc...

Having said that. I sold the 1072 and bought a Marantz 8260 for almost the same price. It was a HUGE step up.

If you are set on a Rotel, get the 1072. If you're looking for the best player for your money, there are others out there.
8260 a huge step over the 1072? I guess if you want a smoother sound, that would be the case but overall, I find the 8260 lacks detail and dynamics. Probably depends on whether the speakers can reproduce the detail sufficiently.

I found just the opposite. To my ears the 1072 lacked dynamics and detail, compared to the Marantz.

What CDP do you have?