
Has anyone had a chance to here the new Rowland 501's?
I haven't heard the 501s but the 201s (250w/ch) sound wonderful. I bought a pair of 201s several weeks ago and am very impressed with their natural tonal balance, dynamics and low level resolution. My Wadia 301 CD player and B&W 804 speakers have never sounded better. I would imagine the 501s would have similar sound characteristics with more power.
How do you like the 201's compared to the model 10? I've had the model 10 and am awaiting the new conceirto integrated.
Another question Glenalan, if you don't mind. How does that 250wpc deal with bass? Does it have a true big power amp's vise grip on the woofer or is it more "power on demand" type sound. I will eventually need a real powerful amp, I like the soft top end I have heard on the Rowland smaller power amps because my speakers can be a little too bright but also want power to control the big woofers on them.