SACD Players

SACD is now in the market with both players and discs avaliable. Several Audiogon members have purchased the players and have declared the improvement in digital sound. Currently we have for our SACD consideration two players from Sony (SCD-1 and SCD-777ES) and one player from Marantz (SA-1) with a Phillips player soon to come. Has anyone compared the players in home noting the differences in sound? If so what is your system and what differences did you hear between the players. Thanks, Doug
I don't know about players announced at CES 2001, however, I listen to SCD-1, owned 777ES and now own 9000ES Sony SACD/CD/DVD Player (you can get it for about $1.1k ""). 9000ES, per my personal opinion, is by far the best sounding Sony CD/SACD and 24/96 Player. It has much improved transport and D/A chip is possibly of 2nd SACD generation. The most important sonic characteristic is its midrange sounding similar to the best tube amps i.e. not syropy or euphonic but full harnonic texture, timbral accuracy and sence of naturalness. Its bass is also the best among these Players. Highs are good but can be better if 50kHz low pass junky filter can be removed (SCD-1 and 777ES has extrenal switch to disconnect this filter, in 9000ES its internal). SACD sound is breathtaking: much, much better then vinil (its dynamic range is noticably greater) and DVD-A (whatever DVD-A I auditioned none sounded so natural as SACD, and by far). My opinion is biased, however. I love SACD sond of 9000ES. Rest of my system as you asked: CAT SL-1 MkIII Preamp, Two Bel Canto digital amps EVo in mono mode and speakers are Diapason by Dick Shahinian. Al wilre by Electraglide. This system was geared to listen to "big sound": symphonic music, choruses, opers etc. SACD is increadibly realistic here, second only to live concerts. I am not professional reviewer (however, by education I have diploma of classic piano) therefore my experience is highly biased (as, I bekieve, it should be here). Good Luck - Simon
Simontju, With all due respect, and forgive my ignorance, how can a $1200 or so DVD player sound better than the $3500 units AND, also play DVD's? Is there something I and more importantly Sony missed, and are they not risking losing their SACD audiophile units' market by doing that?
Having not heard the latest Sony offerings, I can't comment on their sound, although Simon appears to be an excellent listener from his posts and I would tend to give his opinions respect. I don't think Sony is missing anything; I think for once they're getting the right idea of producing cheaper players (with a progressive scan DVD player to boot!) and getting the possibility of marketing SACD to the masses. Now if only they would make their SACDs hybrid discs like everyone else and lower the prices of software, the medium might be able to stick!
I agree with Rcprince, Sony is lowering the price and adding DVD to help force the format to the masses. They,and Phillips, stand to make a lot more money if this format wins the war. I have the 9000es and think it was a great deal.