Scott Nixon Tubedac = WOW

I literally connected my new to me, second hand, broken in, Scott Nixon tubedac + about 1 hour ago and boy am I impressed. It's being used in place of my Benchmark DAC1 right now.

There is more heft and realism thru the SN. The DAC1 is very detailed as most people have reported, however, I have been using the DAC1 since before I assembled my current system and did not realize how detailed it was until I compared it to the SN. It's like not noticing something is there until it's not.

The SN is a very "easy" dac to listen to so far. The best way I can describe it is that it just goes with the flow.

If I were a recording engineer, the DAC1 would be my choice. If I just want to listen to music, the SN is the one I would choose.

Overall, the DAC1 is the better of the two, but the SN more than holds it's own. Of course, it's only been an hour since I installed it in the system.
I also am a very satisfied owner of the SN TD-2 DAC. I recently bought the 4xac power supply from Scott, expecting a modest improvement, with a little more slam. Instead, my system became more detailed, even significantly so, which was surprising to me. I recommend you spend that $100 for the upgraded power supply and see for yourself.

No commercial connection - just an impressed customer.
Jult52, I have the 3xac power supply and I think it's more than adequate. It's not a wall wart, but it's own toroid in a matching ABS case. I suspect he 4xac is similar, but with higher current.

You've given me an idea though...since I already have the case, I might just get a bigger toroid and install it myself.