Seeking full range single driver speaker recs

I'm interested in recommendations for my first purchase of a full range single driver speaker. $1500 or less. Don't have local dealers for auditions. Any suggestions.
Thanks in advance.

Associated equip.

Audiomat Solfege Reference integrated
Vecteur D2 transport
Audiomat Tango dac
VPI HW19 w/ Graham 2.2, Grado Reference
Rel Strata III
Room + 10wx15.5Lx7.5'H

If you spend any amount of time @ thrifts/garage sales (you know the sales where the stuff actually comes from garage/basement/attic storage) you are bound to run into desirable vintage single/coaxial drivers on the cheap.

These types of drivers were very popular when I was little and growing up in the Midwest, though most of their user's were usually more interested in woodworking (building nice show piece cabinets) than fine tuning their mono/stereo systems.

An exception to this were a couple of our neighbors. One a wood craftsman that could have taught Norm a few tricks and the other an electrician for Westinghouse. Together they built great sounding/nice looking speakers and tube amps based on Klipsch, Stephens, Marantz, Williamson, other designs of the time.

These were the very first killer Hi-fi systems I heard. One of the neighbors (the woodworking guy) hosted a couple of parties a year @ which the grownups used to dance to music later on in the evening. His living room speakers looked to be Klipsch Cornerhorns done in a variety of hard woods. He cut his own trees (ran a selective one man tree service on the side:-) and/stored/aged the wood himself.
Try Creative Sound in Canada. They sell the Jordan driver and have links to DIY designs. The Tang Band W3-871s may be better and there are line arrays such as done by Jim Griffin with this little 3".
Creative Sound
CDC: While Jim Griffin has done a lot of work and makes it easy to build a high quality line array with the information provided on his website, line arrays present a very different approach and sound than what one gets out of a single point source driver. None the less, i agree with what you have to say and recommend that anyone interested in building or learning what goes into building a good line array should check into his website. I learned a lot there myself and am incorporating much of that info into a design that i'm working on for a friend.

Line arrays have very specific radiation patterns which can be put to good use in specific situations. This is not to mention their increased power handling, improved dynamic range and potential for lower THD. The one i'm working on is not of the "full range" variety, but instead makes use of 36 tweeters, 18 mid-woofers and 8 woofers per cabinet. This guy plays REALLY loud and tends to blow things up, so i needed something that would shake the house and do it on a regular basis without fear of destruction. Between this and about 400 wpc, he should be good : ) Sean
Hey Gang. What about the Tannoy Dual concentric? Great tone,very efficient,easy to drive and set friendly.