Selecting Amplifier for Vienna Acoustics Speakers.

Hi friends,
I'm from India and I am in need of the guidance from the experts of this forum. I have a pair of Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Baby Grand Speakers with a Bryston BCD-1. After a long search I have managed to find some Amplifiers. I am expecting support from the experts who are familiar with Vienna Acoustics.
1. Parasound Halo A-21 with EC ECI-4.5
2. Primare Pre3- and A30.2
3. MBL 4006 and 8006B (Got a very nice deal)
I'll be very thankful to you if you help me in this regard.
A Naim might be to dark and closed in for a VA speaker? Primare/Krell are known to have synergy with VA speakers. FWIW I heard great synergy with the PrimaLuna Prologue 7 monoblock amps driving the Haydn and Mozart, if you want to try tubes.
I had the Naim integrated and was not impressed at all with it. You can do far better with something else.

I would go with the Primare or the MBL. If you are in a position where you can't demo the gear first, I feel its too chancy to get an amp and preamp from different brands. If both pieces are from the same company, you know they will match up well.
My sincere thanks to your suggestions. Is there anybody listened to "TRIGON MONOS TRE-50 with their Pre-amp. All these 4 amplifiers are in 4 different places and it is not possible to get an audition. For this reason only I'm expecting your suggestions.
MBL would be my choice. I use Threshold T-200, or sometimes my T-100 on my Hayden Grands. Solid state is the way to go. Class A solid state would even be better, IMO.