SET sound without a lot of money

Any experience or opinions on the Almarros, Music Ref RM10 mkii, or the Joule Electra Stargate amplifires? Looking for a good SET experience without overly-colored sound or congestion, while pushing enough current to excercise existing 91db speakers at low to moderate volume. I would like to swap one of these occassionally into my system without having to rebuild (re-buy)a whole new system to accomodate a tradional low-watt 2A3, 45, or 300b amp.
Listen to an Almarro 318B or an Audion Sterling Integrated. Both put out about 18 w.p.c., sound excellent, and are well under $2,000 on the used market. Match them with moderately efficient speakers, sit back, and let the music flow!
I heard Almarro mono's driving Marten Miles 3 in a small room, very musical and easy to listen too in a small room. Pre's were VTL and front end CEC transport into AMR dac. Well worth investigating the brand from my limted experience.
BTW,the 10 watts a side of my Sophia Baby is quite adequate
to power my Rega RS3's in a 12x11 room,as is the 8 watts of my Eastern Electric MiniMax for that matter.
Rega rates them at 89db (6 ohm spkr.).
I am a Vienna owner and I'm not convinced you could drive the Beethoven's with such low wattage and more importantly low current. The advertised efficiency is a bit of a fib as they don't show you the impedence curve. In the bass region the impedence can drop to as low as one ohm. Without global feedback or a higher damping factor you may experience a lot of bass warble even if you got them to play at acceptable listening levels. I know it doesn't really help answer the question, but wanted to offer that warning.