Setting up Rega RB300

Hello A-goners,

I recently purchased a basis 1400 with rb300 arm from a fellow A-goner. However, I didn't get a manual for the RB300
tonearm. I checked Regas website and they do not offer much information and they suggest that you go through an authorized dealer. (Not sure how helpful a dealer would be with a table purchased on A-gon).

Does anyone know where I could get a copy of a manual for the RB300? I'm trying to set the overhang with a universal protracter and you need the effective length to do so. (I suppose I could measure this or purchase a wally tractor to set the overhang)


Effective Length 239mm
Pivot to Spindle distance 221.7mm
Overhang (B-)17.3mm (L-)17.8mm

Via My WallyTractor for Rega tonearms..... (or Basis Vector)
After 2 months of waiting for an "in stock" wallytractor to ship... I canceled my order.
Hi Goat,

I suspected that this may be true- This is why I was asking questions about the universal protracter. Two months is unacceptable for something that is in-stock and barely acceptable for something that is back ordered.

This being the case I will:

a. buy the wtractor anyway?

b. buy a universal such as the feickert (spelling?) "expensive, but should work on any table as long as you know certain tonearm parameters.

c. borrow a wtractor from the guy that sold me the TT (nice guy)

d. Have a pro setup my TT.

Thanks for the heads up!