SF Extrema,Few q

Hi there,

I read a lot about this speaker ,a lot of people saying its the best speaker ever,but also mention that it really hard to "push" and if i buy it i need very expensive amp and source.
I want to know why it have to be that expensive ,Is there strong AMP that can work good with the EXTREMA without being very expensive (for me >3K its expensive)?
Nuforce,CI Audio and etc arent expensive and i heard they can kick!
Is anybody know how this speaker work with CLASS D ?amplication?I read that tube isn't good for this speaker.

for Those who have/had it:
What do u think about this speaker copmaring new speaker around the 5K?is it good invesment?after all the speaker old (14years).
Thanx a lot!
Sorry Im asking all that Q .... I guess all this search for the best speaker make me sleep less lately.
well.. I still think the extrema is my first chooice,but i also checking other to make my extrema chooice even safer.
I think the cremona looks amazning too- I heard once but i dont remember how they soundm,what do u think can i even compar the Extrema to the Cremona- i dont know how much they should cost as used ,can anyone help?

Another thing- The extrema saler told me he lost the Jumpers (The one for the bridge between the LF and th HF),As i told u my budget me allow me only one Merdian 557 (though I'll get another one in about 6 mounth).
WHat can I do without those jumpers?how much it cost me(for orginal ones).
Anyway sorry guys for the too many Q ,I hope u udnerstand.
One thing I forgot to mention, their were 2 versions of the Meridian 557 amp. Version 1 and Version 2.
From what I remember, you can only bridge them if their the same versions.
So if you have version 1 and version 2, you cant bridge them.
Thanx Twilo,DO u know if theres a diff ?what should be better?
and another important Q, Do I need very large place to the Extrema?
Can anyabosy recomend on some nice cheap Pre?
thought about the CJ maybe the pv6 or pv10.