Shiit yggdrasil

I purchased this dac a few months back and I am absolutely blown away by how much I enjoy listening to it. I have owned a Bi-dat, Ayre QB DSD, Resolution Audio, PS Audio and many others as well as in home demo of very expensive Chord, Aesthetics and DCS gear. Nothing has sounded this good in my room in my system( Devore Fidelity, Line Magnetic - other products I absolutely love). Please forgive my lack of detailed description and hyperbole as I know many of us hear and experience reproduced sound differently so you might hate it. This is just a recommendation to try it. I am so glad I did. and wanted to share my experience.


Please have him do the first 3 AC mods listed on my site....rather than what he did to the Yggy. 

I cannot find any policy statements about "business interests"  here....can you locate them for me?

I will put my website ( with my name when posting.  Hey big $425 mods on a few DACs......going to rake it in!  he he.

I really get excited about a product that is mind blowing for its price.  I have never had much money but always want the best sound I can get.  When I find such things (whether or not I have any financial interest in them) I share my findings freely.  I want everyone to be happy!

When the Yggdrasil came out a year ago I was so excited that I helped my friend mod his (my suggestions....he did all the work) and put a page on my website with link from my front page showing how to DIY mod the Yggy.  I did not mod the Yggy but wanted people to know how great the Yggy was and that one could do these simple mods and get even greater sound.  I thought the Yggy would be great for years!  Digital is changing fast!!!  Only a couple of weeks ago did I remove the link on my website.....if you search you will find it.  I did not remove the info from the web.  But why would you want to mod an Yggy now that a way less expensive DAC is better and more versatile?

What people are doing is combining Roon with HQplayer.  You have the incredible ergonomics of Roon and the great sound of HQplayer.

Ric Schultz

ricevs, when will Gustard X20 Level 2 mod be available?   Digital is a computer so I never chase latest or greatest.   Too much depreciation hit.

I cannot find any policy statements about "business interests" here....can you locate them for me?

I don't understand why people care for identity of a post.  This is a free open INTERNET forum so one should judge CONTENTS of a post.

I am going to take the time necessary to really do a serious output stage on the Gustard. I have tried a couple of output stages but they were only slightly better. I want it to blow your mind. So, it will take time....maybe a couple of months....maybe sooner....maybe later. However, level one completely transforms the DAC into another whole level. It will be easy to update to any new mods as the Gustard is not heavy and easy/light to ship and I turn around things in a couple of days. I just started a thread on What’s Best Forum that will be the main place for people to share and ask questions about the Gustard.  Sorry for hijacking the thread....but someone asked about the Yggy/Gustard difference and there we went.   Back to regular programing.

Ric Schultz

Thread praising DAC1, shill comes on and completely derails thread arguing that DAC2 is better, and as a result thread dies and goes to purgatory. Shill doesn't disclose that he sells and makes a living off mods for DAC2. All is well with the world.
Interesting to see his 'subtle' methods here as well:

Shilled his mods for the yggdrasil, which wasn't even available to market yet. Somehow he had an idea of mods for it by simply looking at the casework. Lol. This guy is a genius. Must have not had enough business coming in for Yggy mods, so he turns his attention to a cheaper alternative DAC, and guess what guys, this one is much better than the Yggy. This very DAC he spoke about being comparable to the TOTALDAC et al here:
Right now my friend is thrilled with the changes but would love to A/B with some other serious DACs so if you want to hear a modded Yggy then let me know and we can hook you up with this guy....he is in Pocoima. I think his modded Yggy would be much better than the MSB Analog DACs like the Bricasti, The Total DAC Dual, Empirical Audio DAC, Lampizator Golden Gate, and Berkeley Reference would be nice to compare with. I have a feeling the modded Yggy would do very well against these DACs and there is much more to do....much more.

Suddenly he has a change of heart and the Gustard is better----especially with his mods attached to it. Lol, this fella is hilarious. He has tweaks and mods for this one, and he shows up in every thread on any forum on earth to sing the praises of this new DAC --- but always with his mods attached to its greatness. Hmmm....I've been to many a fish market, and I know my fish, and this is reaal feeeesshy. I suggest you desist from suggesting DAC purchases while simultaneously selling the mods you provide for them. Highly unscrupulous!