Shootout: Raidho C3.1 vs Vivid Giya 2

Similar specs, similar cost, which would you buy?
Thanks to all. My sense is that the Vivids are more dynamic and visceral with a tighter, more forceful low end when required. As Audiooracle notes, the Raidho's have a bit more air, maybe transparency/clarity in the upper end, and are a bit sweeter than the Vivids. But just a bit.

Just wondering what others' experience has been.
Audiooracle- I guess I should no better than to question an "oracle". I don't mind dealers or manufacturers posting, in fact I welcome it, but that should always be disclosed up front, esp. if you are weighing w an opinion about a product you sell vs. one you don't. As far as the OPs beiong located outside the U.S., if you were only interested in helping him, perhaps you might just have p.m.'d him.
Its high cost and unique appearance ensure that Vivid Audio’s Giya G2 is not the speaker for everyone...

What else are you considering? Another option, also in the Raidho range is the Raidho D-2. I am also based in Singapore and have the Raidho D2 at home. You are welcome to visit and listen if you have the interest.
@Kiwi_1282001. Thanks. I want a bit more low end extension so I have been thinking more about the C3.1s.

Re the Vivids, I hear you about the funky appearance, but it doesn't bother me. The Raidhos are clearly better on the appearance front, but I have so far loved the Vivid's dynamism and clarity so I can live with the look. I think its a tough fight between the Giya 2s and the c3.1s.

Thanks for the offer to listen. Would love to hear your rig. I'll PM you about that.
Swampwalker makes an excellent point. How can it be that "can't go wrong with either one" and "no contest"? You should reread that post. Makes no sense is an understatement.

And just because you can't sell a pair of speakers to this particular gentleman in Singapore doesn't mean you can't benefit from the free advertisement your posts afford.

Think about it.
