Shopping for Interconnects

Now that I am building two, two speaker stereo systems in my home, I will need some more IC's.  Here are the pieces of equipment I will be using.  Unsure yet about how to pair the amps to speakers but will try both with each pair of speakers to see which sounds best with which pair.

Denon PMA 520  Integrated amp circa 1989
Yamaha A 500 Integrated amp circa 1984
Yamaha S300 CD player.  Two years old.
Onkyo TA-RW311 Cassette Deck.  circa 1997
Carver TX 11a Tuner.  circa 1986

Budge for a pair of IC's is under $100 for each pair.  Will likely buy two.

Currently have Audio Art IC3's which are nice.  Going to still use them.  Also have a pair of Blue Jeans Cable LC-! which I plan to keep.  

Any suggestions?  Not exactly sure how to shop for cables of this nature since each manufacturer seems to claim different sonic characteristics for each cable.  

Scott:  Thanks.

I have to be careful to avoid brighter sounding gear.  For years I had Klipsch Heresey's with my Yamaha A 500 and they grated on my ears.  And then I switched to a  Cambridge Audio Amp a decade later and the result was still the same with that amp though it was not as bad as the Klipsch.  

Right now the synergy with the gear I have is good.  Neutral to a bit warm though the Bass on the Castle speakers with the Denon is a bit heavy at times.  But I think by changing the amp over to the Yamaha with the Castles and then matching the Denon to the Mirage speakers will resolve the issue.  
You can grab a set of cardas or transparent entry level for around 100. I’d look no further. 
I'm very happy with Virtue Audio Nirvana interconnects (within your budget):
Previously I had a mix of Audioquest, Kimber and Bluejeans,
I recently re-cabled my whole system with these, including phono, to good effect.
Warm-ish, clear, with excellent rca connectors, and a good price and service from the makers.
Thanks for the additional suggestions.  I will research these as well.  Since I plan to buy three new pairs this year, I will take some time before buying the second and third pairs while I research other cables.