Should I bother to try a subwoofer?

My speakers are listed as going down to 40 HZ (Dynaudio 1.3 MkII monitors).
There is an REL Strata III available locally that I might snag, try out and re-sell if I don't like/need it. My question is this: since I would not be using this for movies, do I even need this? I mostly listen to classical music, more chamber than symphonic, and occasionally listen to rock, jazz and other pop styles.

Am I likely missing something without that lowest octave? I'm thinking that 99% of the time the sub might not even be in use if it kicks in at 40 Hz.

Any comments, purely theoretical or from experience, will be welcome.
Tostadosunidos, what you will find pretty amazing is not the lowest octave, but the amount that your soundstage will open up with more air around all the individual players on the stage. When I shut off my subwoofers, I use a pair in my system, my soundstage collapses and everything sounds so much flatter. As mentioned I use a pair , however I believe you will get the same results using one.
I am not a big fan of subs for music, your Dynaudios are a very fine speaker that would not benefit from the addition of one.

for those watching TV and need to reproduce the exploding gas truck it is a different story.
Yes, you are missing something, especially with classical music. Try a sub, but don't cross it over too high, and don't turn it up too loud. If your monitors are rated down to 40 Hz, try crossing over at 45 and 50 Hz. With good recordings and good components, you will hear and mostly feel exactly what you are missing.