Should I bother to try a subwoofer?

My speakers are listed as going down to 40 HZ (Dynaudio 1.3 MkII monitors).
There is an REL Strata III available locally that I might snag, try out and re-sell if I don't like/need it. My question is this: since I would not be using this for movies, do I even need this? I mostly listen to classical music, more chamber than symphonic, and occasionally listen to rock, jazz and other pop styles.

Am I likely missing something without that lowest octave? I'm thinking that 99% of the time the sub might not even be in use if it kicks in at 40 Hz.

Any comments, purely theoretical or from experience, will be welcome.
If you were thinking of buying any other subwoofer besides a REL the results would be questionable, but REL subwoofers don't sound like subwoofers. A REL will produce clean musical bass that will complete your system. You won't believe what you've been missing. Granted, your Dynaudios may be rated to 40Hz, but those little mid/woofers just don't move much air.

You've got nothing to lose. If you don't like it REL's are easy to sell. I say go for it.
Try the REL subwoofer, as I did (with a REL Stentor). I think you'll be favorably impressed with the bottom octave as well as the improved soundstaging (as stated very well by Teajay). If you don't like the change, there are lots of folks who like the REL, and you could sell it easily if it's in good shape. By the way, I'm a music-only listener.
the Rel, which is a GREAT sub for music, will add a lot to your musical experience. Try crossing it over at 55hrz to start and go down from there.

I had a Rel B1 that I used with my Maggie 3.6R's (measured down to 34 hrz, about the same as your speakers), and I ended up with the sub crossed over at about 42 hrz, and not turned up too high on the gain, and man, what a difference.

I currently use a Def Tech Supercube 1 with my Maggie's crossed over at 40 (lowest setting), and once again, it's just sublime to add that sub for the lowest octaves.

Good luck.
"Need"? YES YOU DO! I'm a huge fan of the REL stuff for hifi. A friend turned me on to 'em a year or 2 ago (he has the same main speakers as I do). I bought a clean used one (Q150E) and man...anybody who smugly claims there is "no benefit" from a well designed sub instantly destroys their audio opinion credibility and shall be forever removed from my christmas card list. Read the current issue of "Absolute Sound" for a nice REL review...I've done the experiment of turning the REL off and on to see the difference, and when off it dramatically diminishes every aspect of the overall "life" (tonality, soundstage, dynamics, odor) of my system.
Personally, there are many brands I'd look at before REL, but I would definitely look at a sub. My view is about a 180 from most on x-over frequency. I'd say cross pretty high for best results.

My reasoning is that careful placement of a sub will produce much smoother bass response than any speaker out in space possibly can - due to room modes/cancellation effects. Better yet, use DRC style bass EQ and the improvement is most often not only audible, but pretty startling.

In a carefully treated room, you can fix most of the mess down to 150hz or so and bass busters will usually get you into decent shape down below 100hz. After that, I let my subwoofer and EQ do the rest.

IME, the first benefit of a sub is smoother response in the critical 50hz to 100hz region, the increased LF extension and power are just icing on the cake.

Just one more opinion on this subject.
