Should I burn these?

Am so disappointed with my Bose 911 speakers. I appreciate good sound quality and these speakers just don't cut it. They do not possess good sound performance as far as highs and lows and the sound is very flat and muffled, and no they are not blown. They have sounded the same way since they were new about 5 years ago. Had an old pair of Canadian made speakers made by Audio tec from the early 1980's and wish I would have kept them as the sound was far superior. Bose 911 speakers are over priced and the sound quality sucks. Don't buy them!!!
There's a pair of 901's on c-list in my area for $750. The seller says they're the best speakers ever made. Hmmmm, maybe I was wrong about those mbl 101e's. Must of been the amp they were using.
Bose is all about clever marketing, putting thoughts into peoples mind. No serious manufacrurer would advertise their gear on prime time tv. Its not really about good sound quality, but fair sound quality, if that. I wonder why you purchased them.

I once heard their speakers ( cube) about a decade ago and susequently never looked into them. There are so many quality manufacrurers around and there is no need to look at something like this, really. A friend has a 5.1 setup and its quite lame, though I tell him it sounds great. ( nothing is acieved by upsetting someone)

Dont burn them. Sell them off really cheap, cause thats their real value, in my opinion.
All I can say is that Bose puts more into advertising and simplifying things and not enough into quality. Less $$$ in advertising and more into product. Also, when I worked for Tweeter any employee was able to get any Bose product at a 70% discount and Klipch at 50% and they still made money....
It's like their Wave Radio junk, that they purport can replace a good hi-fi component system. Not to be trusted or taken seriously.
Bose and Dyson follow the same model. Huge $s for advertising, some supposedly interesting technology, high prices and poor performance.