Should I buy a Class A Amp.

I would Love to buy a Class A Amp. I have a Sony Tan-80ES Amp right now and I have had it for 19 yrs. To me it sounds Great but I am curious about Class A Amps. Do they really sound better? I am looking at a Krell KSA 200 Amp right now for $2000.00. It is older then my Sony. Is this too much for such an old Amp? Would Love to hear members thoughts on this.  

Blessings, ..........Don.
I have heard great AB amps and great A amps.  From my understanding a class A is an inherently better circuit but the implementation is what also makes a difference.

i currently run a Boulder 2060 amp.  If you look it up, it's a class A beast and I have not had anything as good.  I had a class AB Classe m600 and also heard a class AB rotel 1590... Nowhere close.
I Thank all of you for your Responses. I should tell you that I have Eminent 8B Speakers. 83db @ 8 Ohmns. 

Mitch2  +1   Also, take into account the operating costs and add-ons. With listening every evening, the Class A design costs me an additional $20/month - not including the AC in the summer to compensate for the heat. Chances are good that different cabling will be needed to tweak system synergy with a different amp. Later, there are always visits to the repair tech. But, yes I do enjoy my Class A very much.
I've had my Levinson 20.6's for almost 25 years and would never even consider selling. Have heard a lot of other amplifiers but none of them would make me retire the 20.6's. So I would be the last to tell you to steer away from Class A amps. 

However, older amplifiers can cost a lot of money to service. Caps, diodes, trim pots and transistors can go bad after 20 plus years and it's not uncommon to get estimates in the $1000 to $2500 range to diagnose and repair vintage Krell, Levinson, Threshold, etc. 

Is Class A the best design? Look at it this way: no preamplifier designer would ever build anything other than Class A. The only reason that power amplifiers aren't all Class A is because the dollar to watt ratio is too high and the maximum power is usually limited to around 100 wpc. 
Listen for yourself.

My personal opinion - if you like silky mellifluous middles, do it. And get some Harbeths while you’re at it. :-)

If you like an analytical, sharper delivery - don’t. And IMHO the new Hypex modules beat everything else when it comes to resolving details - finetune it to your preference with speakers. Done.