Should I or not

This all started when my brother came down for a visit. As it stands now my system is against the short wall. He believes that if I move it to the long wall I can take my system/sound to the "next level".

My current speakers are Paradigm Studio 60. My room size is 11ft wide with 20ft in length. If I do change my setup how far apart should my speakers be if my maximum sitting distance is 10ft.

If I do move my speakers they will have to be closer to back wall which is half window but are curtained. I was planning on purchasing some room treatments(sound absorbers) with my speakers in their current set-up. Will my curtains be suffucient.

Basically I'd like to know if I place my speakers against the long wall will they image better.

I look foward to what members here think I should do.

In similarly shaped rooms (my own included), i've found that putting the system on the long wall reaps betters results.

Of course, every room is different... prior to setting my system up in this room, I had always adhered to the 'short wall' setup.

You will get varring opinions on this.

Well my room is 11 x 23 very close to yours. For almost a year I was set up on the short wall. This produced challenges with localization in the right speaker due to reflection points and room setup. My listening position was set-up using the equallateral triangle method.

I am now on the long wall sitting in the near field. Again close to an equallateral traingle. No pesky first reflection points to worry about. My sound stage is larger but the depth about the same. That is due to the TV and home entertainment center between but back from the speakers.

Which do I prefer after extended listening on both walls now I prefer the long wall and the wider sound stage.
Thanks everyone for the responses and sorry I couldn't respond any eariler. In my current set up sitting in a near field position wouldn't that be to close for t.v watching. I was also under the impression that for nearfield listening I would need nearfield monitors.

Right now my speakers are 3ft from the back wall and 5.5tft apart with a T.V in the middle and my listening seat is 10ft. This setup was for movies mostly but I now find myself listening to music more often. I figured that against a long wall I can have them at least 8-9ft apart and maybe at most 2.5ft from the back wall.

At one point I do plan on a speaker upgrade most probably in the PMC line. I have listened to both the Lb1 and the OB1's but have yet to make up my mind.

I've also read as to how front ported and closed designed speakers may help with rear wall considerations. Any suggestions for future speaker upgrades.

Try 'em on the long wall. Not because they will for sure sound that much better, but because you can tell your brother you tried it and here's what you found. And, just to try it.

None of us can really tell you exactly what's gonna happen when you move those 60's over there. You could always try wider speaker placement - short or long wall - and that may widen your soundfield a bunch. You can for sure sit in a nearfield position with those 60s, but you still might get quite the "slap" reflection from back behind you with them on the long wall. I see room treatments coming...

The big thing is to just try it - to silence your brother, and to try it for your own knowledge and experience.
I do plan in exprimenting more for my edification more as to how the sound changes from either set-up.

Your right with either set-up room treatment will have to be used but I'm such a newbie in that respect I just don't know where to start.

This will I hope be a fun not a frustrating excersise.
