Should I or not

This all started when my brother came down for a visit. As it stands now my system is against the short wall. He believes that if I move it to the long wall I can take my system/sound to the "next level".

My current speakers are Paradigm Studio 60. My room size is 11ft wide with 20ft in length. If I do change my setup how far apart should my speakers be if my maximum sitting distance is 10ft.

If I do move my speakers they will have to be closer to back wall which is half window but are curtained. I was planning on purchasing some room treatments(sound absorbers) with my speakers in their current set-up. Will my curtains be suffucient.

Basically I'd like to know if I place my speakers against the long wall will they image better.

I look foward to what members here think I should do.

I all to clearly understand how brothers can be. It's 1:30am and I woke up thinking of all that's been going on.

It seems from most of the responses that I've been on the right track by my short wall set-up. I just wish I had a clue to what I should be listening when it come to sound/room acoustics. I guess when I start using room treatments I should have a better idea.

As to experimenting I plan to do so with my IC's. I've outgrown my Blue Heaven's and am looking forward to trying Cardas, Audience but first I live in an apartment and it's clean power that I lack. AC conditioners here I come.


Good for you, FG. BTW, my last sentence was incomplete. I meant to say "All these can be rather inexpensive experiments and should easily outperform any highly questionable sonic gains from moving your speakers TO THE LONG WALL."

I felt the need to clarify because in my opinion, the benefits of proper speaker placement (on the short wall) in general will far outweigh any room acoustic treatments. (unless perhaps your room is absolutely atrocious acoustically).

But for starters I would recommend bringing your speakers about 5 ft. out from the back wall to the front center of the woofers. If you suffer a bit from light bass regions, try starting at about 4ft out may help reinforce the lower regions a bit.

Here in lies one of my problems. I can't bring out my speakers 5ft out. I'm pushing it at 4ft and 3ft is the safe zone. Unfortunatly the placement of my speakers is where the landing is going from dining rooom to livingroom.

Just to clarify I live in an apartment with a sunken livingroom ,and it is at that point where one of my speakers is located. You can just see the edge of the step in my picture. I did manage to bring them out at 4ft and my t.v is no longer in the middle but I have to walk in back of them to get to my livingroom.

Is it possible to over treat a room. I say this as I'm not well versed in room acoustics. I guess I can't go wrong adding corner traps and base traps.

I've get to find a service where they can assess my room acoustics.

My experience with having the system on the long wall (with absorbers behind the speakers) is that it sounds very good and bass doesn´t get overblown, maybe because Im pretty far from all 4 corners where most of the bass energy is. BUT.. as soon as you raise the volume it doesn´t work anymore, It gets shouty and the room feels much too small. I´d go with the short wall placement