Shunyata Hydra 4 vs PS Audio UPC 200

Which one ?

My system:
Arcam CD33
Arcam A90/P85 -biamping
speakers: PMC GB1

Thanks for your suggestion !
Honestly, Grisselhamn, you have to try them both in your own system to know, because there is no one right answer. I'd suggest buying a used version of both and comparing.
I have not used the PS audio but I have a Hydra 4 and use it with an Arcam CD33. Of all of the audio that I have tried the Hydra has made the biggest improvement in my system, especially with the CD player. It is much more musical, the sound stage depth is much deeper. It is cool to hear instuments comming from 3feet behind the speakers. I also hear notes and subtle instruments that I cannot hear when I remove the Hydra.
I am running a PS Audio UPC and it works well. Though I am saving up for an ExactPower or maybe a BPT. I dont think you will go wrong with either the PSAudio or the Shunyata. But dont expect miracles, that is, unless your power is rather dirty.

If your A/C is clean, I would recommend trying your power Amps direct from the wall and your Preamp and Source from the Power Conditioner/Surge Protector. That is how my system sounds best.