Silver Plated Copper Balanced Cables

I'm looking for a pair of 1 meter long balanced interconnects that will go between a Lector Tube DAC and Audio Mirror SET Tube amps. Research I've done suggests that a cable with silver plated copper conductors may be the best match. Any suggestions? I'd like to keep the price below about $400 new or used.


- Stew
I would look at a pair of AQ Cheetah. Go all the way and get pure silver. This cable is smooth and coherent but still detailed. AQ silver is great stuff.
I totally agree with Rello. I would also add that Alpha Core TQ-2 interconnects are excellent at $189.00 per 1 meter pair (pure silver.)
I have to be honest though, I have never liked silver plated copper. It has a sound that I don't get into. (Don't confuse this with companies like Kimber who use a silver conductor wire and maybe a copper ground.)
The Cheetah is some of the most neutral wire I have ever used (and I've used a bunch.)If you want a tone control or are trying to match a certain sound, look elsewhere. The Cheetah passes the signal along in whatever form for better or worse.
If you want silver over copper, I'd go for a solid copper cable first.
Thanks folks; it's interesting you mentioned pure silver since I was just looking at that possibility. The only thing that concerns me about pure silver is excessive sibilance which I'm very sensitive to. Acoustic Zen makes an all silver cable called the Silver Reference II, which seems to get some good reviews; have you by any change tried them? I'll take a look at the Cheetah.

I hadn't thought about Alpha Core's interconnects, although I am using their Goertz MI 2 Veracity speaker cables.