Sim Audio Moon P-5 too dry

Just bought the Moon P-5 & am finding the sound too dry & the treble is sounding too crisp/high. Mind you I dont like warm tube like sound, I like fast & neutral, yet I am not liking the sound of the MOON P-5!!!

My system Bryston 4B-ST, Sony SCD-C555ES SACD player, Energy Veritas 2.4 speakers, Kimber Silver Streak Cables.

The Moon has been run in already, so thats not an issue here.

Before I had the same setup but was using my Yamaha RX-V800 home theatre receiver as the pre-amp. The Bryston was running the main 2 front channels. Honestly it did not sound bad. Now I get the moon and I am not too happy, actually I am totally lost!!!.

People please help me out, do I need to change my CD Player though I need to have a SACD player due to my SACD collections. Maybe I can keep this player & get a seperate CD player or get a DAC. I am not changing the Energy Veritas I have decided on that.

Thanks & I really need the help.
I, too, own a Bryston amp: 14B SST. I have also owned a 4B SST. I would
not describe the sound of the SST series as dry, although I would say
they are neutral. Can't comment directly on the ST series. My system
benefitted with the addition of a tubed preamp.
If I may suggest, check out Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Oval interconnects. I am using them on a Pioneer Elite Unviersal Player(DV-47A) going to a Perreaux Radiance R200i Integrated and I have been pretty happy with them. They definitely bettered a pair of Kimber Hero ICs.

Some of the attributes that reviewers gave this cables(and I would agree) that in term, prompt me to audition them were superb tonal color, and really powerful bass/midbass. Maybe that would cure the dryness you are talking about.
Hi all.........well I went & bought a pair of Parasound JC-1's the dryness is gone, this amp is liquid. However now I feel the bass slam is slightly lean. Matbe needs more break in. Now I want to get 2 power cords & some balanced interconnect between the P-5 & the power amp.

I need help again guys. Thanks. Anybody has any thoughts about the JC-1, I had nailed it down to Pass Labs X-350 & the moon W-6, I hope I didnt make a mistake going for the JC-1?

Thanks all.
Jiya3600. If you are happy with the sound of your JC-1's then you did well in your purchase. Now start enjoying the music and stay happy.
In a way you are right "Sherod"

Sometimes we get so obsessed with the sound & changing different gear that we for get to the main!!

Well I hope someone can give me some ideas on power cords & balanced cables. I am trying to get a good match for the setup I have. I have a few Gutwire PC but I need 2 identical ones for the 2 JC-1's, so wondering which one to get