Sim Moon cd player Opninons

I have a sony SCD777ES im thinking of bying the Sim has
enybody got eny Opninons.
Yes I laagh real hard to when people put Sony in the HI END.
Side buy side only a Deaf Man would pick Any Sony Player over a SIM player.The Only better player I have heard the the Sim Moon Eclipse is the Audio Aero CApitole.
If the SIm where a Made In The USA product with Krell Levisnson Add budgets you would read nothing but raves about it.
Natalie is right- in fact, I own the Capitole now after selling my Sim Eclipse- both are fine players with different strengths...

I own an Eclipse, so I'm gonna say Sim. ...Others to look at:
I'll second Natalie's recommendation Audio Aero Capitole - Stutts might have a few words on this CDP for you too. …And if budget is flexible there's also the Accuphase DP75V. All are good choices. $. I don't know if I'd put the Electrocompaniet in the same grouping, but this is a personal preference issue.

It's really hard to beat the Sim's performance& build/$ ratio. With regard to folks suggesting that the Sim lacks bass… they obviously have other gremlins at play in their system(s) and blamed them on the Sim. Even the best $ no object CDP will sound poor if not properly isolated or if mated to poorly matched ancillary components & wires.

As for Sony...well I haven't heard a Sony that would compare - except SACD, and it wasn't as close as you might think.
