Simaudio W7 amp sounds not quite expected

I currently have the Simaudio Moon W3 and like the sound a lot.  So I thought getting the W7 would be an upgrade but having bought online it's a bit of taking a chance.
Last night having heard the amp in my system for the first time, the sound is not quite what I expected.  Reading some of the review, I thought it would be a bit forward, neutral.  But what I heard was the complete opposite.  It's somewhat recess and a bit warm.  There is not enough mid range present (like the W3) and the sound is somewhat withdraw and lacking involvement.  The vocal is a bit recess than I would like.  For me the first thing any component needs to do is to effectively communicate the music, but the W7 at least in my system does not do that.  I have to say I am a bit disappointed. 

May be it's my preamp.  I am using single ended.  Anyway, I am getting a Pass Labs XP-10 soon so maybe hopefully it will work with the W7 better than my current preamp which is a Conrad Johnson 17LS.

W7 should be a more refined amplifier than the W3.

Maybe less upfront , but more resolute with better dynamics.

There could be an impedance missmatch between your pre and the W7. Best thing to do is to borrow another preamp like a Moon 740p to see if the result is better.

I agree that the W7 is more refined with better resolution and dynamics, but I wish it could be slightly more forward and slightly more nuanced.
If you want a little more tipped up sound, why not try a  Nordost cable between the amp and pre?  You may be pleasantly surprised.  
Make sure you give the amp plenty of time to warm up and you will need 200-300 hours of running time for break in. Are you using a quality power cable? The W7 runs in class A for the first 10 or so watts IIRC, so musicality and nuance should be pretty much a given based upon hearing this amp in the past.