Single driver point source speakers vs. the world?

Okay, I've been a 'stat guy the majority of my audio life.

Recently I acquired a humble speaker that has me rethinking my entire approach to audio, i.e., big power amp requirements driving mass amounts of current to 'stats.

The speaker I'm referring to is the Cain & Cain Abby. 8 watts of 300b SET amplification into these speakers is as good as I've heard. No, they don't do bass but they excel at everything else. So the ? for those with point source design experience is does the lack of a crossover in designs equate to these types of results in other point source or single driver designs?
Single driver speakers vary in character, but overall, I can say, "yes". I've also been turned onto single driver designs over the last 10 years, and when implemented correctly, they can offer amazing results. Much like electrostats and panels, they are very sensitive to the character and quality of the amplifier. I've found that SET and "chip amps" sound best for me.

What I've had the most fun with, is designing and building my own gear around these simple designs. I've learned more from "minimalist" designs than I have in the decades of working with more complex gear. There are some wonderful people working in this field, and I'm eager to see how it evolves in the future.
Been there and done that.
Went from ML CLS to Reference 3A De Cappo Is powered by OTLs and never looked back.
There is something to said for high efficiency single driver crossover-less or minimal crossover designs (tweeters added) being driven by SET or OTL amplifiers.
Now driving Avantgarde Duo Omegas with Atmasphere M60s.

Intuitively, this approach makes a lot of sense, and I am particuarly impressed that electrostatic fans have been converted.

I am interested in experimenting with a single driver, crossoverless speaker for a desktop system, where all day, every day use might make tubes impractical.

Could anyone therefore recommend a single driver speaker and chip amp or reasonably priced solid state amp as candidates for this application?
Cwlondon - I have a pair of JohnBlue JB3 speakers in a desktop system that I really love. They sound fantastic in a nearfield situation, are beautifully made and just the right size for a desktop.

In the winter I drive them with a small Jolida FX10 tube integrated and in the summer with a NuForce Icon. The sound with the tubes is considerably better but for the size and price the NuForce amp is impressive.