Skylan vs. Sound Anchor speaker stands? Comments?

Is there an appreciable difference between Sound Anchor and Skylan speaker stands? They both appear well made. Each can be filled with sand.

If you believe one is superior, please explain why.

Thanks in advance.
Out of curiosity, I e-mailed Noel at Skylan requesting a recommendation for a stand for my Reference 3A Dulcet. He returned a reply the next day with a recommendation and quote.
Sherod, since there appears to be a block somewhere in the communication between Skylan and me, perhaps you would email him with my inquiry?

Audio Note AN-E stands. 14"W x 10.5"D x 10"H

Well, Grant. I can't stand the suspense! What stands did you end up with and how are those new Audio Notes sounding in your home?
I own Sistrum SP-101 stands already, so I am going to try those before purchasing others.

The speakers won't arrive for another 6-10 weeks.