Small floorstander recommendations

I am looking for suggestions for a small footprint, floorstander for about $1000 new/used. Here is what I have to work with:

Musical preferences: 80% old-school R&B, rock, pop, funk, electronic, and hip hop; 20% classical, blues, jazz, vocals
Room: 15' X 17', hardwood floors, typical living room furniture, area rug
Source: Sony DVD player (next component to upgrade)
Amplification: Audio Refinement Complete integrated amp

I am looking to balance out my musical preference ratios, so the speaker should be a good, all-around performer.

Considering the following:
Totem Acoustics Sttaf
Vienna Acoustics Bach
Meadowlark Swift or Kestrel Hod Rod
Spendor S6
Triange Zerius
ProAc Studio 125
Epos M15

All comments/recommendations welcome.

Best Regards,


In your case, I recommend the Jura loudspeaker from Rega. They are a good all rounder. The treble is soft, this is a good thing with digital sources. The medium is warm. The bass is deep and round. I tried it with a CD player and the result was nice. If you have a turntable like a REGA Planar 25, you should choose another one. For example, Alya loudspeaker from Rega. This one is very good with digital and analog sources but the basse is not as deep as the Jura. Last advice, try these ones with your amplifier. I have the Alyas and they work well with a warm and dynamic amp like the Mira from Rega. I don't know your amp but I know that a amp which doesn't have enough dynamic and power is not a good match for the Alyas. I tried them with a NAD 3020i amplifier and the result was boring but with the Rega Mira WOWWWW! You can listen KEF Cresta 3 or Dynaudio Audience 52, they are good also.
The Quad 21L is an excellent small floorstander, excellent WAF - I listen to a very similar music mix as you have indicated and have found enjoyment with these wonderful speakers.
Spendor has just replaced the S6 with the smaller S5, at $1400. You can probably steal a vestigial pair of S6s for under $1k....
Go with the hot rod Kestrals. They can configure for bi-wire which my tubes appreciate. They can rock and roll but really deliver on voice too. Their smal footprint is no diminishment of sound.