Smoothest and best sounding turntable/cartridge combo up to $1600??

As the title of the thread reads, I am looking for recommendation for the best and smoothest sounding turntable/cartridge combo up to $1600.  I am replacing a restored and recently upgraded Thorens TD-145 turntable with a Audio Technica brand new 440MLb cartridge. I am finding that floating suspension turntables require more isolation against floor vibration.  Other than that, the table is very good. 

I also would prefer a more contemporary design.

Note: I will probably put the the Thorens on sale after reading the comments and recommendations to this thread.  Thank you for your feedback  

Here is an a curious point, why does VPI package the Ortofon 2MRed with Scout Jr TT, and also their discontinued Traveler V.2 TT.

Good question about the Scout Jr. and the 2m Red. I have no idea why this entry level cartridge is matched to this TT. My local VPI dealer said he would give a $100 credit if one wanted a Scout Jr,. without the 2M Red. Also, I am not aware of VPI packaging their Traveler V2 with a 2M Red. I have seen them with Grados.  I bought mine brand new sans cartridge and mounted an Ortofon Rondo Blue on it. Incredible combination.

Finally, when I suggested Ortofon, I said their "better" cartridges. And when I spoke about compliance and resonant frequency, I was referring to all TT/Cartridge packages such as the Clearaudio Concept, upper level Pro-ject packages mated with the fine Sumiko cartridges, and Rega combinations. Just not those with the 2M Red that I agree, is entry level. All pay attention to compliance ratings for proper tonearm/cartridge pairing. Good luck in your search.

Here is the question with zillion right answers. My own experience:when  I switched from Clearaudio Virtuoso Wood to Lyra MC cartridge (the only reason for the switch was that my Sondek got 10k upgrade) I was not hearing what I paid for. Now that Virtuoso Wood got an upgrade you can probably get the original off eBay for next to nothing...  Smooth, detailed, no MC loading headaches, at least on Naim ARO/Sondek it sounds Heavenly! Just my 5 cents to an unanswerable question... 

TO  STRINGREEN: Yes I am sure I could build such a isolation base, but I decided to buy an Aurelex vibration base from Music Direct ($79.00 which offers marginal improvement in sound. but footfalls still occur but less so ) Despite these minimal gains,  I am still not hearing  the benefits of this "upgraded Thorens TD145. It could be the limited headshell overhang adjustment, or that the Geo-Disc is not adequately calibrated for this type of headshell and tonearm  I am going to check those parameters again, especially since I  snapped in the AT 440MLb  stylus onto the body of the AT120E.  Unfortunately, the sound is still not as full as I expected in the midrange.

However,  a few reviews cautioned about this negative quality, and also that 50-75 hours will be needed for burn-in .  At this point, I am putting that particular problem on the back burner, and beginning to look for a new table. - A few members recommended either the Grado  Sonata,cartridge or the Denon 302MKII, ( low output of .035  requiring an out boarded phono box) but I am reluctant to put any more money into the project, and more or less have decided to lick my wounds and sell the table.with or without AT cartridge. I am just not hearing what I want, and I am done with this upgrade vintage BS..